Lions and Adders continued

Unfortunately I found out the hard way that documentation and evidence doesn’t make a hill of beans difference in a civil dispute.

I don’t really understand why ‘they’ call it a “civil” court. The experiences I have had with “civil” court has been everything but “civil”. I have never really figured out who ‘they’ is either. I suppose ‘they’ being the powers that be.
The best place that I knew to find answers to a civil court dilemma was the Bible. Looking back on my journals I can see how without the guidance of Scripture and prayer I would have been lost and trampled in a sea of injustice and pain.
So, with you I am sharing my documentation and my journey. I am writing this book because of the gracious love of God and my love for Him, the love of my family, and the love of my friends. I want to share this compilation of stories based on true life experiences, and somehow make someone’s life a little easier. Possibly by sharing this journey, someone will receive a blessing. Possibly it could show them proof positive that the answers to life’s most difficult questions are found in Scripture. Possibly some readers will decide to pray through their problems.

There are some young men with small children that I have known all their lives. I used to baby sit those daddies. They are all grown up now, experiencing life step by step. Some of these young men are already married and have children of their own. Unfortunately several of these young people have divorced. They have been put through absolute hell by their ex-wives. The children are little and they have a hard road before them. One of these family’s breakup has been so sad to watch. The children changed from happy little kids to children from a broken home. Now, being pulled and pushed from home to home, house to house, parent to parent, grandparents to grandparent. Never having the security in their young lives, they become a quagmire of confusion. And we all know who the author of confusion is, right? Maybe someway this book descriptive of our personal, unique set of circumstances will help those young daddies know they are not alone in their journey. They do not have to feel alone, or be alone. And there is light at the end of the long dark tunnel.
I write also for my nephews, Weston and Charlie, and my God son, Cubby. I write this book to clear up misconceptions that plague my step children. If they never know the truth they may live with a hatred and resentment that they do not have to live with. There are two sides to every story. For years my step children have heard over and over and over the story that their mother tells them. They should be able to hear both sides of the story and make an intelligent decision about the truth. I want them to read this and learn from it. For them I write. I want my family and friends to know the truth as I know it. The truth the way I see it, this is my story—my side of the truth. Not the way someone sees it for me or the way some lawyer tells me to see it. This, my friends is the truth as I know it to be.
So this book is a true story of a very painful experience that caused hate and bitterness to destroy what could have been a very happy family. This story is an empirically empirical Southern novel about how God works in the lives of those who love Him and how he sends angels and answers to prayer--now that sounds better. This is a journalistic journey of one woman’s walk through this life: Mine, Anna Grace Poschet’.
Before my precious maternal Grandmother (we call her Sweetthing) passed into Heaven she told me 2 very important things. First of all she said, “Do not ever, ever forget how much I love you.” The second most important thing she instilled in me and reminded me again before she died was, “Do not forget who you are and Whose you are.” Those two things she taught me all my life and then reminded me again before she had to go. I will never forget. Her life changes mine. She taught me how to pray. Her love changes me even now years after she went to Heaven she still is with me in my heart. I praise Jesus that thru His love and grace I can carry the love of my Grandmother with me every day. No matter what tragedy befalls me I always hear her voice saying, “let’s pray about this.”


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