Me, Myself and Cryptocurrency



Failed to introduce myself In my first post as I was too eager post about Cryptocurrency so here it goes. I'm Baillie from Manchester, England, 22 years old and recently caught the Cryptocurrency bug that's been going around. Although I acknowledged it back in 2013/2014, like many others I turned a blind eye and thought nothing of it. Considering my passion for technology and computers this may sound very ironic but there you go.

Cryptocurrency brought me to Steemit and now I feel I'm intangably glued to the website. To put it into perspective, there's my Family and friends eye balling Facebook and Instagram obsessing over the latest crazes such as drinking cocktails out of Jam jars and liking videos of people basically humiliating themselves.

Then there's me, uncontrollably scrolling through steemit looking at the latest subjective views on Bitcoin, and interacting with countless amounts of people who share the same passions. So as you can see I'm not what society would consider the norm, I prefer to do things a bit differently.

Including Cryptocurrency my other passions include: Web Development, music, cooking and without a doubt eating. My ambitions include traveling the world ( very generic I know ), Learning as much as possible and rambling on about anything I'm passionate about.

That about wraps me up to be honest, I'm mainly using Steemit to 'ramble' on about Cryptocurrency, Web Development and life. In the near future I'll be launching a YouTube channel discussing the Intangable coins and the potential they hold but until then feel free to follow me on my Crypto path and I'll gladly follow back!


Hello Bro/Sis How are you?
Welcome #steemit - #eSteem ...
I'm Asyi From Indonesia, Greetings Introduction.
Follow Me @asyi and Vote @ good-karma Witness Us All

Halo Kawan Apa kabar ?
Selamat Datang #steemit - #eSteem ...
Saya Asyi Dari Indonesia, Salam Perkenalan.
Follow Me @asyi and Vote @good-karma Witness Kita Semua

Welcome to Steem @bitbybit30 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanking you!

You're handsome 😝

Why thankyou 😅

welcome to steemit!! See my account you will like!!

we have different story, once I read article about bitcoin I was excited, I think it was on FB. I dig and was curious about it. I invested, I bought bitcoin and I have been active on crypto since. I started investing on april 2017 and then I joined steemit 5 weeks ago and here I am happy lol. Welcome to steemit. followed n upvoted

A new Steemian :-) hello @bitbybit30 I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform,
followed you .. please follow upvote and comment

take a look at my portrait here :

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 63782.14
ETH 3146.14
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55