Hey everyone, I'm Emma

Hey there! My name is Emma, I'm 20 -years-old and my boyfriend’s friend introduced me to Steemit, I wanted to start of with an introductory post. I guess I can finally indulge in my inner egoist and talk all about myself, so I have composed a list of facts, that will hopefully make you get to know me better.

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Facts about me:

I’m Dutch, but pretty much lived in Asia my whole life

I come from a tiny town in the countryside of Holland. When I was 8, my parents travelled to Thailand together, they fell so in love with the place, that they decided we would all move there. So me, my mom and dad, and my brother Mike, all moved to the tropical island of Koh Samui. Back then it wasn’t very developed, they had one international school on the whole island, with around six kids in every year. But my parents’ wanderlust didn’t stop there, and after several years we moved to Bangkok, and then to Malaysia. We seemed to have finally settled down in Penang, and have now been living here for seven years.

The good thing about all this moving around is the amazing cultural exposure I’ve had, and how much it has opened up my eyes to the world. I’m very grateful I’ve had a childhood like this, although I had a lot of issues feeling like an outsider in school and it has also caused surprisingly a lot of body insecurities because I wasn’t really able to compare myself to people that looked like me when I was young.

I’m a huge conspiracy nut (ready the tin-foil hats!)

To me they’re obviously not conspiracies, they’re the truth. I have a website and a short ebook on the way, this particular one is about how the Elite solves the whole population problem, with mass-sterilization, GMOs and more. It’s called Conspiratorium and will be made available for download next year (wow look at me being all promotional, didn’t know I had it in me)

Oh and I love anything to do with aliens, honestly my biggest dream would be to meet an alien or to atleast witness solid proof of alien communication.

I have the best boyfriend ever

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I’ve been with my partner for two years. This is my first serious relationship, and I must say I couldn’t be happier. His name is Renaldo, he’s a few years older than me, he’s Malaysian (mixed Chinese and Indian) and he’s a singer.
I’m really satisfied with how the relationship is going, he has provided me with a great platform of self-growth and love, and because of him I’ve really flourished as a person. It’s great to have a relationship where you can just be yourself. My favourite things he’s introduced me to so far are Dota and Avatar (as you can tell by my username)
Since my boyfriend has introduced me to Dota, we’ve been playing it almost daily. Anyone who has played on south-east Asian servers knows how negative the gameplay can be, how much people flame eachother etc. Because of this I try to not play so many games in a row, I’m quite a sensitive person, and I really hate seeing people scolding eachother over a game. I also enjoy watching Avatar, it has pretty much become an obsession and I really hope its just a phase because I cannot imagine myself quoting uncle Iroh the rest of my life…

I love to cook and to eat

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(My favourite Curry Mee)

this is one of my greatest passions, my love for cooking developed because I really enjoy eating, and sometimes I would get intense cravings for particular tastes, so I learned to adjust my cooking to fit exactly what I want. I guess I’ll never be the skinniest of people, and have always been average but I’m actually quite fond of my curves.

I’m a huge animal lover

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As I’ve mentioned somewhere above, I’m a really sensitive person, and this side of me really comes out when it comes to animals. Renaldo and I lived in Langkawi for a while in a kampong, our neighbours had really under-nourished cows, this made me feel quite sad, we would always try to pet them and give them water, but most of the time we were trying not to get caught doing this. I used to have a pet crayfish named Obi, she recently passed away, it has made it kind of lonely to sleep at night, because it was very comforting to hear her moving around and playing violin with her antennae (crayfish like to rub their antennae together, it makes a violin sound, I think they do this for mating purposes)

I also used to work at an animal charity, that would spay and neuter stray dogs, once in a while we'd come across very abused stray dogs, especially dogs abused by government pounds. As a foreigner, I couldn't really do much about this, it made me feel very helpless to see a hurt animal but not be able to do anything, so I left my job.

I’m self-studying

I dropped out of school when I was 16, it was due to financial issues. Right now my family and I are saving up for me to go to University. I’m self-studying my A-levels right now, I’m doing one at a time, I just did my AS law and got an A for it, I’m really proud of that. I’d like to study International Law in university, I’m a very ambitious person and would really like to achieve this.

I’m a very flawed person

I guess in a sense, everyone is, but I felt it was something worth mentioning anyway. Right now I’m in that phase where you suddenly become aware of all your flaws, I like to focus on self-improvement a lot and developing better metacognition skills, but this sudden awareness has made this road a little bit rocky because of how it’s made me feel about myself. Some flaws I’ve become really aware of is that I put up a lot of walls around me, and my ego sometimes gets in the way. The lesson in my life I’m currently learning is that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. But I do think the good thing about myself is that I’m always willing to learn and improve myself.

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There’s a lot more, but these are the things that really define me as a person at this particular time. Hopefully I’ll actually stick to this steemit thing and not quit it halfway like I do most things (oh see, we uncovered another one of my flaws)

If you'd like me to follow you, or read your stories, let me know and I will :)


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Hi Emma, welcome to the community. I am also from Asia, Philippines. See you around.

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