Let me introduce myself...

in #introduce7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit community!

My name is Erik Gallant and am new to this platform so I'd like to give you all a little bit of the backstory into my life beginning with what led me to this platform.

My story begins about ten years ago when I started using the internet regularly and began taking a bigger interest some of the darker realities of the world we share and help to create. Being a father of three sons at the time, I felt it was prudent to learn these things so I could best prepare my children for the future ahead. I stayed away from social platforms such as MySpace, Facebook etc. because I had always been somewhat of an introvert and viewed such platforms as a threat to developing close personal relationships in the real world.

As time passed, many disturbing things I previously only had unexplainable bad gut feelings about became all to real upon actually researching them... e.g. 9/11 events, OKC bombing, The Franklin Cover Up etc.

Fast forward to 2010.

After years and years of seeking the truth of our world I had become discouraged that anything would or could be done about any of the things I had learned, especially by me. I felt a severe desperation for us all and our plight of being ruled by people who not only don't care about us who they rule over but actually look upon us like a vampire would it's prey if they weren't fictional. Little did I know how accurate that analogy would prove to be over time and more research.

Fast forward to 2016

Now being a father of four sons and a daughter, I paid even more attention to the presidential election cycle than ever before. After eight years of Obama's blatant corruption and disrespect for our nation and it's Constitution many of us dreaded the thought of seeing his Marxist policies continue for another four years, myself included. As with every election cycle, many of the vying candidates' dirty laundry got aired for the world to see but none so disgusting as the HRC camp. WikiLeaks published the emails of HRC campaign chief John Podesta mirror.jpg. It became clear that a certain code language was being used as the messages made no kind of sense otherwise, such as "playing dominoes on cheese or pasta" and "handkerchief with a pizza related map on it" and talk of children being supplied to him for heated pool parties by a woman (Tammy Luzatto) running a website offering her little girls to online creeps "raw and uncut". Also revealed in the leaked emails was the involvement to these evil doings of a pizzeria in Washington DC called Comet Ping Pong and it's owner James Alefantis. By all appearances, this pizza joint was, and probably still is, being used to traffick children to scumbags for sex, probably worse, and launder the money from doing so.

That was the line in the sand for me...and these people crossed it with smug grins on their faces. I decided I didn't care about much else than trying to do SOMETHING, anything to help expose these disgusting people and bring them to justice so they couldn't hurt another child ever again.

I immediately started reaching out to people who might want to help and wasn't surprised to find a number of like minded individuals who felt exactly how I did, gathering them from comment boards of YouTube videos, Disqus forums and social media accounts which I created that I had theretofore stayed away from like the plague. I did things I'd never dreamed I'd ever do. My disgust burned within me so badly that I felt I had no choice... I put EVERYTHING aside, my own well being and family included, and organized the first Pizzagate Protest in front of Comet Ping Pong dated 3/18/2017.

This would not have happened without the help and support of those who attended. The less than two dozen came from all over the country to help give voice to this outrage, many of them worked with me directly to prepare for the event.
Neil Wolfe of thelightreports.com, the organizer for the PG protest the following weekend, was also integral to this event...helping in ways that I can never thank him enough for.

After the event, before leaving DC, the transmission in my van died...
...I'd have never gotten it back if it weren't for Neil.

The van dying and Neil's willingness to help me get it back to Michigan made it possible for me to also help with and attend the event he organized the following weekend in Lafayette Park in front of the Whitehouse! Neil graciously put me up in his guest room for five days and we worked together as a team to prepare for his larger event on 3/25/2017. It was a true honor to be included and to be able to help in any way.

As honored as I am and grateful for the opportunity to stand against some of the most wicked facets of our society and world, there is an element of this story that I can't help but feel a certain amount of shame about. During this same time period I was going through a divorce and I became so obsessed with helping to affect some kind of change for the betterment of mankind in general that I neglected my duties as a father to my own children to an extent that I'm not proud of. My divorce was finalized 3/20/2017, literally the day I returned to Michigan via Amtrak because my van was broke down in DC. The rest of the year was hellish for me and my children with my ex-wife, with whom I was still in love, remarrying another man just a couple months after the divorce. It's all been an uphill struggle ever since. I've was incarcerated for thirty days in September because I was unable to pay the exorbitant child support order amount of $1100/mo and afford my own basic needs as well. Upon my release in October, after the incarceration caused me to lose my job, I learned that another warrant was issued for my arrest barely a week after getting out of jail. None of this has been my children's fault but they are definitely the ones paying the steepest price for it which only makes me feel so much worse and compounds my guilt for not doing more to help save my marriage while I was out "trying to save the world" as my ex-wife puts it.

That pretty much brings us up to date on my situation. As it stands, I have another hearing this coming Friday to "show cause" for why I can't afford my child support payments and am facing more possible jail time. There is so much more that I could say in regards to the fine details but that's it in a nutshell. I laid it all the line and lost it for just a small chance to help make the world my children live in safer for them and all others IMG_20171223_220947.jpg
...and I would do it all again as I believe our presence in DC last spring has made massive positive impacts, more important than me or my loved ones, that may or may not be perceived by anyone but those of us who are watching closely.

Thank you for reading this, everyone who does. I look forward to being a part of and contributing to the quality of the Steemit community!

Erik Gallant aka Charyoutree

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