Beautiful panoramic view of Sipisopiso waterfall...

in #introduce7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemian's can best regards ni from my friend in karo ...
Oya before I introduce my friend first to all friends. His name Erda Sari Umaya, born May 29, 1998, lives in limpok, Aceh Besar, originally from Serdang Begadai, North Sumatra. Lecture at Agricultural Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, majoring in Agribusiness.

Hai steemian's dapat salam ni dari teman saya di karo...
Oya sebelumnya saya perkenalkan teman saya terlebih dulu kepada sahabat semuanya. Namanya Erda Sari Umaya, kelahiran 29 Mei 1998, tinggal di limpok, Aceh Besar, asalnya dari Serdang Begadai, Sumatera Utara. Kuliah di Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala, jurusan Agribisnis.

Physical form may be women but about hobbies he has a hobby like a man, his hobbies traveling, climbing etc .. when speaking of the ascent he was the first man to answer that he came along and he was an expert in convincing others. Quite a few self-introductions and here he is.

Bentuk fisiknya boleh perempuan tapi soal hobi dia memiliki hobi seperti layaknya seorang lelaki, hobinya travelling, climbing dll. kalau berbicara pendakian dia manusia yang pertama yang akan menjawab bahwa dia ikut dan dia ahlinya dalam meyakinkan orang lain. Cukup sekian perkenalan diri dan ini dia orangnya.

Oooya, talking about a friend's holiday can all greetings from waterfalls sipisopiso, tongging, karo regency, North Sumatra. If friends want to visit to sumut do not forget to this waterfall yes, he said that if friends would not want to go home, because so beautiful panorama of natural mountains there plastered clearly in front of the eyes.

Oooya, berbicara soal liburan sahabat semua dapat salam dari air terjun sipisopiso, tongging, Kabupaten karo, Sumut. Jika teman-teman ingin berkunjung ke sumut jangan lupa ke air terjun ini ya, katanya kalau kesini teman-teman bakal ngak mau pulang, karena begitu indah panorama alam pengunungan disitu yang terpampang dengan jelas didepan mata.

I have never been there but I have a plan to go there, because the beautiful scenery makes the heart want to visit there, oh yes if you want to visit easy, just arrange a schedule that fits and we ask to be accompanied by this beautiful girl.

Saya belum pernah kesana sih tetapi saya ada rencana mau kesana, karena pemandangannya indah membuat hati ingin berkunjung kesana, oh ya kalau ingin berkunjung gampang, tinggal susun jadwal yang pas dan kita minta ditemani sama cewek cantik ini.



This is guys waterfall sipisopiso, iiindah? Anyway guaranteed ngak want to go home quickly. Enough posts from the waterfall sipisopiso, may be useful.
Greetings from Sumut greeting steemian's ...

Ini dia guys air terjun sipisopiso, iiindah bukan?? Pokoknya dijamin ngak mau cepat-cepat pulang.
Cukup sekian postingan dari air terjun sipisopiso, semoga bermanfaat.
Salam dari Sumut salam steemian's...


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you always have the best content atta.albar keep it up!

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