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RE: SteemNova 2 proposals

in #intintedao5 years ago


has been working on SteemNova's new look for several weeks now.

That's a little too big words ;) I am self-learning about divs, and code and else by trying to made Steemnova interface a little more useable especially on smaller screens. this is how login page looks right now on my phone for example:

But dont think that i am a programer or that i am "dev" of the Steemnova2" :P

OK, so lets talk about SN2. First I would like to talk about 2 simultaneous Uni, as a lot of comments here talk about it.
In my opinion it would be extremely bad idea. Maybe we should make poll about it, i dont know, but really it is the worst thing we could do. I understand that some ppl want to continue with their empire that was started, but, this will dived players base and make game less fun. What is more, it would be harder to have rewards for two Unis. What is even more, more is that it would be harder for devs to control and react for problems with 2 unis. Remember that this was never comerrcial projects, and devs didn't earn anything on this game (well maybe some upvotes from posts heh). Please lets abond this idea, and lets make one great Univers with new, better Steemnova.

About changes.

Restart is good, but not enough, I think, that the best change we could do for game is to install in it some trigger that would eventually shot down Universe. in chat with @mys he proposed that we should add new special very expensive building that when it will be finished it will end the game. This should also be made with change of the reward system. The main reward should be for player, and his alliance who will build this. I in the other hand thought about something more dramatically like special event triggered by detecting that there are for example more than 50 Death Stars in the game. The event would mean that there will be deployed a massive alien fleet. And players have to choose if they wont to defend this fleet or to fight with it. Fighting and winning would mean that the Uni is still active (and waiting for next trigger for example with 200 DS), defending it and winning would mean that the Uni stops. In this case, there is no need to change the way of rewarding ppl. But i like more Mys idea. either way we need to make game have "seasons", so there will never be again problem with endgame time when fleets of thousands DS are flying in universe what is absurd, and IMO not very fun, at least for most players, also it would give better chance to have a chance to earn 1st reward.

Lets go to the Tokens thing.
I dont understand it clearly. Or maybe we dont have many details here :P so i dont know. Why pay and earn in new token instead of steem? I was thinking some time ago that it would be fun if we would make DM a token, and it would work similarly to token that was implement into the SteemMonsters game. It can be named like you want :P just making new tokens to buy DM is hm waste of time? Just convert DM into token! :P BUT to make this happen and have some logic, for me at least, we should introduce more changes in the game itself. So the token should be used to buy resources, IMO it would destroy ingame balance. It should be used only for buying "chest". The chest would give us some random cards that would be used to activate and upgrade our officers (so also boosts). Cards should be users property and it should be written on the blockchain. There should be like it is in SM, possibility to convert cards into DM.
Buying temporary boost with DM would be ok I think.
Of course it would be great if with DM (or how else we name it) we could buy in some shops, or in other games, I support this very much :P
And: "good player will get token for free, i am against it."
DM should be or bought on the market, or earn with exploration system (like it is earn in SM with fightings), maybe with fewer numbers, and even less probability then it is now. It could lead to bot abuse if we would give token for "good players". Explorations also can be abused by bot farms, but with bot farms we need to handle either way. With bot abusing ranking i mean that greed will lead that ppl instead of playing for fun will made bots that will play for them just to earn something, it would kill a lot of fun in game.

Steem Keychain - great, but not instead of steemconect. You cant use steemkeychain on the mobile phone.

Events are great, but I suppose that they will be menage more or less by human, are you prepared for that? :> :P

Statistics - great, but keeping some useful data on the blockchain is not enough in my opinion. We should really make this cards :P

Support for new players - good, but i think more important for new players would some guide which will show new ppl how to play this game and what they should do, and this "tutorial" should contain some rewards system (DM and resources), like it is in all nowadays games.

OF COURSE i know that this is easy to write about everything, but not so easy to make such changes. BUT if we really want SN2, we should make this properly, so we won't have to make SN3 in next year :P
But maybe my thinking is wrong, and we should improve what we can now, and next things we will change when the right time comes ;)


@jeyf123 @cyemela @rashkin.dima
Please see my comment about 2 Universum at one time.

About tokens

Of course, tokens with Steem Engine will be the next token you will receive (so Steem, SBD and this Token). So more tokens ;)

Of course, why do you need this?

Maybe it's for nothing, but look at it differently.

  • When you play a game, you get tokens, cool.
  • You can buy temporary upgrades with tokens.
  • With tokens you can buy dark matter
  • Tokens you can sell on the Steem Engine Exchange
  • You can buy Steam games with tokens.
  • If you succeed, you will be able to exchange them for other tokens (e.g. Tipu).
  • If you believe in the project, you can (if successful) Stake tokens and for example get 0.1% of the tokens you "staked" every day.

And so on. The potential is large. But is it enough for people to want to use a new token? Will see ;)

Ok, maybe i didnt make this clear ;) i am not against "new token" but i think that this new token should be the "dark mater", like it is in SM and their "dark energy crystal" for me it would be less complicated. And for me it would be better to earn it in game via exploration then by making progress in game ranking.

But you mean value? :D
1 DM = 1 Token (DMC? :D)

Hm, yes. Dont know how it is integreatet on SM but yes 1=1. Hmm we would need to make exploration "on chain" it is kind of lottery, and it would be nice if this one element by "played" on blokchain, so no one could say that we are cheating with distribution of DM.

My stance is to keep existing uni and make a new steemnova 2.0 with all the great features you created and then some. @sarmaticus surely you put in some effort to establish steemnova and don't want to lose any of the most dedicated players on the platform by restarting?

The new features look great but that is always apart of the tech innovations. It doesn't look into the human side of things. Some of us although few love the platform the way it is now and enjoying the game. I am one of those who appreciate the time it took to built an empire and hate to see it all gone.

On the other hand I certainly agree lack of players derive from difficulties in smaller players building an empire safely. I propose making a threshold setting that considers the player a newbie and can not be attack. Threshold as in having more than lvl 10 refineries or handful of planets and so on. Threshold gets adjusted higher as more players level up with higher stats.

Creating a new token is a must. Main element is you or controller of the game gets to reward players fairly. The current system lacks that because sbd earnings are small. Giving out daily rewards for top daily players keeps the interest going. Having sbd as a reward is fixed to how much you can give versus your own token it is limitless.

The end game feature is interesting but doubt it will help in the long run. One of the main themes of the original ogame is the 24/7 play time. To somehow make it where any player once achieve a long time to achieve goal defeats the purpose of playing the game at all. Look at the irony of that? Build something so great it will cause a game over?

Last point if people truly love to play the game it is not because of the money or wealth they gain. It is from the friendships and social interactions they have gained.

If you like we can talk more on discord? My user name mawit07.

Cant see you on steemnova discord are you there? Cant also find you to send private message.
Hmm link to SN discord:

Changes wont be big on game core. For now, as i understand Fervi. So it wont be diferent game.
The problem with Uni that is working now are that for example bulding 400k Rocket missles give you permanent protection - server crush when trying to made battle with do many defence systems. Problem is not only catching up by new players but that there is nothing more to do for the old ones. Yea i know that some of you still enoying it but really? How many Death Stars you want to have and what to do with them? ;)

Ofcourse it would be very sad to lose this dedicated players, that's why i am trynig to convince them that restart will be better for all. By the way i am not a dev, and i done nearly nothing to establish curent Steemnova :p

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