Interview with the vam- **myself** Interview with myself.

Hey Steemians,

So my "friend" @necromortis has 'nominated' me to participate in a self interview. This is a way for him to annoy me with revealing some fascinating facts about myself. There''ll all fascinating. Number 38 will shock you!

Click bait aside...

There are a few rules that I need to follow: Nothing without the rules:
  • Answer all 50 questions the best you can
  • Use #interviewwithmyself as one of the 5 tags
  • Nominate someone new, but anyone can join
  • Include a photo of yourself
  • Finish each question with max 2 lines

@necromortis nominated me to do an interview with myself, so that the steem community can learn more about what sort of human being I am. Since we're good friends, I can copy and paste the below, without much editing.

1 What time did you get up this morning?
5:30 AM

2 How do you like your steak?
Medium rare. Don't overcook it, you psychotics.

3 What is the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Last Jedi

4 What is your favorite TV show?
Babylon 5.

5 If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Probably Switzerland.

6 What did you have for breakfast?
A protein shake.

7 What is your favorite cuisine?

8 What foods do you dislike?
Basil, Pesto, Vinegar.

9 Favorite place to eat ?
Any really nice seafood restaurant

10 Favorite salad dressing?

11 What kind of vehicle do you drive?

12 What are your favorite clothes?
Band T-Shirts.

13 Where would you visit if you had a chance?
Blame Canada

14 Cup half empty or half full?
This depends. If you're filling it and you stop, its half full. if you start with a full glass and empty it, its half empty.

15 Where would you want to retire to?
Tasmania, Australia.

16 What is your favorite time of day?

17 Your new obsession?
Florence and the Machine

18 What is your favorite sport to watch?
Australian Rules Football

19 What type of articles do you write?
Everything. Photography, Gaming, Creative Writing. Bullshit chain letters like this.

20 How do you feel about religions?
I'm an Atheist, but some days I'm Agnostic.

21 What are you thinking about right now?
Curse you @necromortis

22 Would you want to live on another planet?
I already do.

23 Did you or anybody in your family serve with the military?

24 What kind of animal would you like to be?
A Lion.

25 What is your favorite land mammal?

26 What is your favorite water mammal?
Gotta say sharks.

27 What time are you going to bed?
Bed? What's that.

28 Are you currently pregnant?
Yes, with meaning.

29 Would you consider adopting?
I would adopt the shit out of alternative forms of government.

30 What is your most hated question?
What are you doing?

31 Been in a car accident?
Yes. I damaged one panel of my car. The other car need an entire new side.

32 Any pet peevs?
People who walk slowly in front of you.

33 Favorite pizza toppings?
Turkey, Lentils with mexican spices and lots of cheese.

34 Favorite Flower?
Did you mean flour?

35 Favorite ice cream?
Dark Chocolate.

36 Favorite Fast Food restaurant?
Anything that serves pizza.

37 How many times did you fail the driver’s test?

38 From whom did you get your last e-mail?
Coles Supermarkets.

39 Which store would you choose to max your credit card out at?

40 Done anything spontaneous lately?

41 Do you like your job?
This is a trick question.

42 Do you like broccoli?
YES. I fucking love broccoli.

43 What was your favorite vacation?
Spending time in the UK, visiting several art galleries and museums.

44 The last person you went out to dinner with?

45 What are you listening to right now?
My computer fans.

46 Favorite color?

47 How many tattoos do you have?

48 Is mother earth mad as hell right now?
She's always PMSíng

49 Coffee?
Fuck off.

50 What is something you wear religiously?

There we have it Steemit, now you know me a bit better. I would love to see more people share themselves on Steemit. Next up @alannapendragon


Lol, you love it you son of a bitch! Good list!

Good luck buddy, keep steemin. Upvoted and Following you.

Question 41... automatically forwards to your boss! :D

Number 38 was one of the least shocking, and I was all ready to be shocked.

It's like you baited me into clicking on the title.

Your words are inspirational to me

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