in #interview4 years ago


Introduce yourself and tell us what’s curently going on with you…

Greetings. My name is Padre Engo. My name is more than just a stage name. My name defines an Afro-Caribbean occult way of life. It is the name that was given to me when i was initiated as a Palo Mayombe priest, which is a system of shamanism created by the Moors of Angola that came to the Caribbean shortly before Columbus and the first white colonizers. To understand my music you must first understand something about my name and the Moorish occult tradition i come from. As i am sure you are aware, “padre” is Latin for “father” and “engo” is a Bantu word that means “black panther”. “Engo” is believed by those who follow the same occult path as i do to be the first Palo Mayombe priest, and the first militant Black Man in the Caribbean to rebel against White colonization and the destruction of the native way of life. Engo equals maroon and Black Indian and Moor. Engo is our primeval black ancestor that came to the pre-Columbian Americas as a Barbary Coast Pirate (malungu) and militant shaman. I try and channel the voice of this Bantu ancestor in all that i do. Also, like the Black Panther Party of the 1960s, i am a black revolutionary that has come to speak out against injustice. I am also an obeahman and thelemite. Furthermore, my personal revelations have led me to believe that i am the Moorish Magician Aeister Crowley’s Book of the Law predicted would appear and teach the “obeah and the wanga” in the new sacred cycle of time that begins in 2012. Furthermore, when you even examine my name numerically from a kabbalistic point of view and add the number 93 (thelema) to it you get 216, which is 6x6x6. In other words, i am a manifestation of the Great Wild Beast very much like the Master Therion. I came to start the New Aeon of Horus, which also coincides with the return of Quetzalcoatl, a Mexican divinity Mesoamerican historians believe in ancient times was viewed as a Moorish Magician from Mali, West Africa.

How would you “categorize” your music and what type of equipment is used in making it?

Well my music is electronica blended with African and Latin folk guitar and Afro-caribbean percussion. I also use alot of organs in my music to help conjure up the supernatural vibe i am trying to capture in many of the tracks. On one hand, i have been very influenced by groups such as Dead Can Dance, Current 93, Death in June, and Tricky, and on the other hand Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Peter Gabriel, Fela Kuti, Boukman’s Experience, and Lazaro Ros. Most of my tracks were made on pro-tools. Some tracks feature some very famous people such as Bakithi Kumalo, the South African bass player from Paul Simon’s grammy winning album Graceland. Over the years, i have been blessed to be able to say that i have worked with many well know musicians and producers in the industry.

If you could change one thing about your life and/or musical career, what would it be?
Well, if i could change one thing about my life i would have never been born into this fucking piece of shit world. Like the gnostics, i believe this world is a matrix. It is not pure reality. It is a prison for the creative side of the mind, which is always one with the Divine, inspite of the illusion that it has been cut off from its heavenly maker. To me this world is a place where dogma and hypocracy are cherished more than truth and good character. I have never really felt that much attachment to how the average human being percieves this world and what he does in it. I march to the sound of my own drum because i have always felt that i belonged in another time zone in this world; either somewhere in the past or somewhere in the future no living man can comprehend. This gnostic-like feeling at different points in my life has been the source of create sorrow; the type of sorrow i think the eastern mystics claim to feel before they really decide to transcend the confines of the matrix. This feeling has also been my best friend, and has given me the ability to do things without being just another copy cat. It is the only reason why i call myself sometimes a true prophet. A Prophet is suppose to be able to see beyond the matrix, and i believe i have mastered this ability just like many of the mystics and magicians that have come before me. And I think this is why so many people feel that there are alot of unique things about how i approach music and the prophetic message i have tried by best to express in my lyrics and the emotions each track conjure up in the human soul. at the same time, it does not matter what my fans and followers think or like. That too is part of the illusion, part of the matrix just bending for a brief moment in eternity. It is not important to the master who realizes that his ego is the biggest illusion of them all. In reality i dont know what i could really change about my life sense all measurable change must take place within the matrix that i am trying to be free of. All i can do is try to transcend and inspire others to do the same. I would like to see more of the world that is unkown to people be known in the form of gnosis and spiritual creativity. I would like to see the matrix grow and evolve so we all can have more fun in it. Some how i feel i have more of a place in such a world than a world that is based on out dated constructs that threaten to destroy the entire human species, and in no way help all of mankind take the next step in evolution. I am so fucking sick of the mundane media generated realities i see everywhere around me. Where is the real world the ancient masters seemed to have known so much about?

Describe your songwriting process:

Its hard to say really where my songs and ideas come from. I am not the one that really makes the music or writes the lyrics. Many of my songs are based on very lucid dreams where i hear the hook to the song and the track. sometimes i have gotten up in the middle of the night and composed a song from my dreams. And then there are the songs that are the result of intense ancestral prayer and reverence. I have come to believe that my Moorish spirit guides are behind the whole thing, even the songs that come to me in dreams. This is also why I sometimes view myself as some sort of Thelemite even though i have no true connection to any of the silly Golden Dawn and O.T.O. based rituals of Aleister Crowley. Nevertheless, Crowley’s spirit has appeared to me and claimed to be my only White spirit guide, has told me to teach the “obeah and the wanga”, has shown me the apocalyptic mystery of “the numbers and the letters”, and has expressed to me that his new aeonic mission was a failure because he never explored the magick of the English-speakng Caribbean like the Book of the Law order him to do. Crowley is a very tricky spirit that needs alot of light, but he does give me good information sometimes in dreams. Crowley definitely has been a source of musical inspiration. Crowley is also the one that led me to the music group Current 93, which has had some influence on some of my music. I also have alot of Black Indian spirit guides that claim to have walked the Earth as powerful shamans during the age of the Olmecs, Mayas and Aztecs. These Black Indian spirit guides speak to me in dreams and tell me the Ancient Ones are coming back to reclaim their land and displaced Moorish descendants sometime after 2012. All these various types of spirit guides and ancestors and the messages they bring are the inspiration behind almost everything i have ever composed, a process that often took place very quickly without really thinking about what i was playing or singing.

Do you have any particular “message” in your music, or are you just expressing your personal beliefs? Do you promote the use of “Chaos Magic”?

Do i have a message in my music? Its a revolutionary message. Its an ancestral message dedicated to al displaced Black Indians and Moors. Its about the past and the future after 2012. I really like what one of my reviewers said about my message a few years ago. He described it as an “intense racial uprising philosophy”. I think many guilty white people misunderstand my message and call it “racist”. White people that have accused me of this are very limited in their way of thinking, and are probably real racist behind closed doors. Historically, prejudice based on skin color is something that did not exist on this planet until the rise of White Christian culture. No other culture had such a way of viewing people until these non-western cultures came into contact with White Christian culture. I do not come from such a culture. I am not a White Man and i will never be a Christian. How on Earth could i ever be a real racist in a western culture where i still have limited rights? This is a western concept that is very foreign to my thinking pattern. Racism really does not exist in Black and Native American culture the way it does in White Christian culture. Also, since the fall of the Black European Empire (al-Andalus) in 1492, racism is something that has been institutionalized by white patriarichal governments. It is something that has been used and is still used as a political tool to justify the so-called inferior status of blacks. As a man of African and Native American ancestry, as a child of the Black and the Red holocaust survivors, i have every right in the world to sing about injustice and not be labeled a “racist”. To get a clear picture of my message please watch my video that is up on my space. After you do this, then go listen to my song After Apocalypto 2012: The New Black Medieval Era. You should really listen to this song before you go see Mel Gibson’s new movie “Apocalypto”. It is interesting to note that i have been using the word “Apocalypto” since 2004 in relation to the Moors that helped give birth to the Maya and Aztec Empires. I really wonder where Gibson got his idea to make such a movie. Perhaps the whole thing is just a coincidence. After all “apocalpyto” is a Greek world that has been around for thousands of years.

Do you have anything/anyone youd like to thank/promote here?

Who would I like to thank? Well i would like to thank the Grand Invisibles of the Black Moorish Orient that ordered that I incarnate close to the End of Time (2012) as a brave and creative black soul in the “Matrix”, and help re-progam the god damned thing so more people are encouraged to work towards taking the next step in human evolution. I would like to thank the elders of Santo Cristo Buen Viaje, the pre-Aleister Crowley Haitian O.T.O., the Kongo Mazone Society, and the Martinist Orders of Haiti and Barbados. I thank these secret socieities for first teaching me about the Moorish Magicians from Medieval Spain (the Grand Invisibles) that gave birth to the pre-Columbian systems of West African shamanism that in this day and age are called Palo, Vodou, Obeah, and Black Indian Spiritualism. Also, i would like to thank the Afro-Caribbean shamans and priests that initiated me into the Shango religion, obeah, and Palo Mayombe. And last but not least, i would like to thank all the paleros, vodou priests, santeros, babalawos, yoruba priests, obeahmen, moors, black nationalist, black muslims, five percenters, thelemites, freemasons, chaos magicians, witches, vampires, and luciferians on my space that supported me throughout 2006. If it was not for all of you, and the love and encouragement that you all have shown me, my music, and my Moorish and Black Gnostic point of view, i would have not been able to move foward. I pass much unconditional peace, light and progress to all of my friends from my space. Nsala Malekum!

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