Interview with Rustam Davletbaev

in #interview7 years ago

“I like the idea of sharing economy in AraneoBit project” says Rustam Davletbaev, AraneoBit advisor

Rustam Davletbaev is an economist and a researcher of alternative financial systems, a creator of the cryptocurrency for Shaimuratovo farmers, the head of the Centre of distributed ledger in Innopolis University and a member of Eurasian scientist fund and also an AraneoBit project advisor.
Rustam told us about what participation in creating an international p2p service of cross-border money transfers means to him.

Rustam, why you decided to be an AraneoBit advisor?

First of all, this project is based on one of the ancient financial technologies, hawala. Hawala becomes a digital technology nowadays. The second thing, the analysis of trends shows that the volume of cross-border transfers will increase. I am interested in everything that makes our life more comfortable and less expensive.

What is the perspective of this project? What is the difference of the project from the others?

AraneoBit has an interesting business model, where the revenue does not depend on the transaction amounts. The system works in the way that there is actually no real transfer of money. The transfer is made in tokens. In other words, only computer signal is transferred. The fee for AraneoBit service is fixed and is lower than the commission of the banks. This is an interesting alternative model. In fact this is money sharing. I like the idea of sharing economy in AraneoBit project.

What does this term mean?

The trouble is that the humanity has huge resources, but these resources are not used effectively. If we learn to share the resources, we will be able to turn liabilities into assets. For example, sharing in tourism is when you rent out your apartment during your travelling. AraneoBit project has a similar scheme. People have counter offers for money transfer, for exchange fiat money into tokens. AraneoBit finds and connects these people.

Why people should choose AraneoBit and not a different fintech system: Bitwala, MoneyGram and others?

People can choose many services. If we offer good quality at a low price, they will choose us as well.

AraneoBit is not the only crypto economy project you are involved into. Why are you interested in blockchain?

I think that crypto projects, AraneoBit as well, sit at the headwaters of economy digitization. Blockchain is an important technological breakthrough. Business has always had an incentive for changing the history, to alter or to add something. Blockchain will create a new concept of transparency: if to record the verified data in the blockchain, the data will stay untouched no matter what. With blockchain you can make deals even with no trust, without notaries and security deposits, simply thanks to the technology. In my opinion, conceptually this is the start of transition from analog economy to the digital one.

Why you chose the role of an advisor in this project?

Science is the priority for me, in other words, the main thing for me is the research of technology and its application in real life. It is related to the project, but indirectly. On the other hand, I have some system approach towards technologies and trends. I think this knowledge can be useful for the project in the current moment as well as from the point of view of strategy.

What will you do after the ICO?

I will share the information, will tell about AraneoBit project to people. I will present it as a tool for transformation in financial sphere. This way or the other, I will be involved in the project.

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