Interracial talk part 1. Celebrity (The Black Veil 5)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #interracial6 years ago

Hypnosis is a continually narrowing focus of attention, your peripheral attention will diminish the more that you focus on one point, this is why the more that you become absorbed in a movie the less you notice the room you are sitting in, you may even lose bodily awareness. We love the telly for this exact reason, it gives us a way to switch off and zone out.

TV programming works partly on this principle, the more you zone out the more you lose conscious control, therefore subliminal messages are easy to slip into your unconscious mind. When the conscious mind checks out and the unconscious is wide open you cannot even analyse concepts, subliminal messages also come in the form of concepts.

The psyche is often described as an iceberg, the small tip above the surface is the conscious mind, it’s the part that thinks it’s in control, but the part that truly governs our actions is the 90% chuck of the iceberg beneath the water, this is the unconscious mind, it is the storehouse of all our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, every experience you have ever had is stored in the unconscious.

When you see a white woman with a black man you might consciously notice it, but once you have seen it a thousand times you don’t pay conscious attention because it’s become familiar.

Think about this, we are so obsessed with how a person looks that we would reject the most morally upright, caring, honest and decent person that could be perfect for us on the grounds of them being ugly, yet if you buy a new sofa that your guests find very comfortable but all think is the ugliest sofa in the world, after they’ve been sitting on it for 3 weeks nobody’s paying attention to how it looks, and if you try and take it away from them it’ll break their heart. They will fight to defend it.

The point is that first impressions may be a big NO, but in time we get so used to things, they become so familiar that have been ‘Impressed’ on the unconscious mind and we can even grow to love them. Repetition is the best form of mind control.

Kylie Minogue will be singing on stage with two black men dancing either side of her, the men in the audience will be focusing on her, but when their focal point is kylie they’re not paying conscious attention to the periphery, the same as when they lose awareness of the room they are in when watching a film. Now, because what they are not paying attention to is what’s being impressed on the unconscious mind, every time they see Kylie Minogue they now have an unconscious association with black men. Similarly, the more they focus on any white woman that has black men singing, dancing, acting or sleeping with her, the more the concept of white women and black men are tied together.

The amount of white women and black men placed together in the public eye is astonishing, if they’re not dating, they’re collaborating musically or presented together in TV programs and films.
The reason that so much of an effort is being made to impress the concept of black men/white women onto the unconscious mind is so that we manifest it as a reality. When the idea has become so familiar it will later be realised through pornography. We’ll get on to this later in the Black Veil series.

In 1980-20s in order to help the racial transition into what we have now, the white man was placed with the black woman. George Michael & Aretha Franklin with ‘I knew you were waiting,’ Bryan Adams & Tina Turner with ‘It’s only love,’ Rod Stewert & Tina Turner with ‘It takes two,’ Aretha & Elton with ‘Through the storm.’ Around that time it was almost more acceptable to have it that way round, although of course there still were cases of the opposite because we can’t have one with the other. Now in 2018, you don’t need lots of research to see the black man is placed with the white women ten times more than the white man is placed with the black woman, simply turn on the TV.

Katy B & Tinie Tempah
Salena Gomez & Gucci Mane
Katy Perry & Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, Big Sean, Migos, to name but a few.
Ariane Grande & Big Sean, Childish Gambino, Lil Wayne, the list goes on.
Christina Aguilara & P.diddy
Britney Spears & Will.I.Am,
Fergy & Nelly
Nelly Furtado & Timberland
Miley Cyrus with Mike Will, Wiz Kalifa, Juicy j, I’m not interested how many more.
Iggy Azalea with T.I.
Lana Del Rey with The Weekend.

I won’t list them all but there's plenty, if they aren’t collaborating on songs they’re shacking up.
These celebrities do not love each other, nor do they choose who to musically collaborate with. Stormzy and Little Mix? Yeah man I’m such a hard gangster, I’m gonna do a song with these little teenage-looking girls about Girl Power. Do me a favour!

Before Prince died he did a show with the word ‘Slave’ written on his face to hint to the public.
Hayley Williams of Paramore has a tattoo on her arm of bars indicating that she’s enslaved.
These people have sold their souls, they are sworn into silence, like Masons in the secret societies taking an oath of silence, breaking it is punishable by death.

Actors and singers cannot come out tell you because they will suffer or be killed, just look what has happened to Kanye West. Kanye stopped singing 10 minutes into his concert and had a 20 minute rant about Mark Zuckerberg hunting for aliens and how Facebook is lying to you, Google is lying to you etc. He tried to tell the public the truth and they locked him up in a mental hospital. (MK-Ultra reprogramming centre)

The story doesn’t take a lot of research to conclude that he was tortured and reprogrammed. Shortly after the incident he released a song with lyrics like “Poopdy scoop, scoopdy poopdy poop, poopy scoop, scoop the poop.” This was the result of MK-ultra programming which installed the idea of making a stupid song like that, Kanye West considers himself a creative genius and weather you like his music or not he is a good at what he does so he wouldn’t in his right mind allow a piece of shit music like that to be released, but that’s the point! Around that time, anybody that was following what he was up to all were made to have the same reaction towards him, i.e. “He’s talking shit!” The truth of the matter was that he was trying to out some truths that the general public need to hear but they couldn’t bump him off moments after his rant.

Look at the truth now coming out about Facebook leaking data, Kanye West was not insane, he was telling the truth. After the MK-Ultra reprogramming he was put back in the public eye where he was being photographed with Donald Trump. Trump says “He’s a good man, we’ve been friends a long time.” Err, sorry, what the fuck is the president doing with this rapper? Why was the president before him, Barack Obama hanging around with Jay Z? Why was Lady Gaga doing a stage show dedicated to Bill Clinton in the front row? What is Rihanna doing helping Prince Harry promote things? Answer; Celebrities are slaves.

Britney Spears did not sing a song called ‘I’m a slave for you’ for no reason.
Denzel Washington did not choose to work with Chloe Moretz on the movie The Equalizer, the Hollywood Elite placed them together. Denzel also played the hero fighting for the life of a young white girl in the movie Man on fire, exactly the same scenario as the Equalizer, black man playing the aggressor, young white girl playing the victim.

Katy Perry did not choose to work with Kanye West on the song ET, they were selected to work together to further the agenda. Clean bandit Ft. Zara Larsen shows a petite white girl singing a song called ‘Symphony,’ the video to which is centred around black men.
The point I’m making is that placing together black men with white women is being done specifically to advance a very insidious agenda, one which will be explained over this Black Veil series.

As Mentioned in The Black Veil part 3. ‘Duality programming,’ they want black and white in juxtaposition, it’s more then just showing masonic floors in music videos though, they present this contrast any way they can, here’s an example of a “Concept” that is being imprinted on your unconscious mind; The darkness is the light!

In The Equalizer, Denzel Washington is the good guy and the white man is the bad guy.
in Collateral, Tom cruise is the bad guy, a psychopathic killer, Jamie Foxx is a good guy, a compassionate cab driver. The movie Get Out, which is actually about mind control, shows a black guy with a white girlfriend, the white family is evil and the black family is good.

In the film The Devils Advocate, Al Pacino played the devil, a white man.
In the film Bedazzled, Liz Hurley played the devil, a white woman.
In the film Rite, Anthony Hopkins played the devil, a white man.
In the film End Of Days, Gabriel Byrne played the devil, a white man.
TV show; The Originals, the most evil man is white.
TV show; Lucifer, the devil is a white man.

I can go on but the point is made. One film that doesn’t have the devil in it but actually shows God is Bruce Almighty, god is played by Morgan Freeman, a black man. Hmm.. Interesting.

This is a ‘concept’ that is being ‘impressed’ upon your unconscious mind to lead you down the wrong path. Until you had read this it probably hadn’t occurred to you, and that is because you are not consciously analysing the concepts, you’re simply enjoying the program. Not to worry, your unconscious mind understands completely.

On one level it’s giving you one message, on another it’s giving you something very different, but for now the point is that they are programming your unconscious mind with ideas of interracial relationships. The war is on everyone but how dare you be white! There is major war against the white people, you can see this most explicitly depicted on the many porn videos entitled ‘White Elimination.’ You know, them ones where black men are verbally abusing white men while they simultaneously abuse white women sexually. You know the ones I’m talking about, the ones with ‘white genocide’ in the tags, the ones encouraging white women to be breeders for black bulls.. them ones!

A young Canadian Activist called Lauren Southern who has recently reached a fair level of stardom for her outspoken political opinions and online documentary called “Farmlands” had landed in Brisbane not so long ago wearing a t-shirt saying “It’s okay to be white” where she was thrust further into the limelight after it made newspapers worldwide. One news reporter interviewed her and asked if she thought it was acceptable to wear something as provoking as that! It was like she had actually committed a crime. The story has reached millions of views online, what I find funny though is that had the shirt said ‘it’s okay to be gay’ or ‘It’s okay to be black’ the establishment would support it, which is a point she actually made in the interview, but clearly there is a war on the white race.

The Little Mix song mentioned earlier called ‘Power’ begins with the girls dressed as prostitutes and falling out of a club with a bunch of drag-queens. There are scenes of the girls on Harley Davidson motorbikes in the style of a Hell’s Angels Biker gang to install the masculinizing concept, and the first person to sing on the track is the blonde one in her growling, what is intended to be ‘powerful’ singing voice, because women need to be seen as powerful, don’t they! The opening lyrics which also repeats throughout are about a man who has a big dick, because that’s what you want your children hearing, isn’t it! Boxing is also being subliminally promoted. Why had they placed a black man on this song? Because they are singing about a man with a big dick and they need the idea of a big dick linked to the black men, plain and simple!

This particular black man collaborating with Little Mix is the wonderful Stormzy, who may be best known for his song ‘Shut up.’ What exactly does this 6’5 black man want to collaborate with these tiny white girls for? On the one hand he’s playing the hard-man with a gang of blokes and telling you to shut up, on the other he’s rapping in a song about girl power. I’ve already answered my own question, he is not calling any shots because he is a slave to the industry, he is told who to collaborate with, he is placed with these white girls because it serves the agenda of the black man with the white woman.

In the movie ‘Me Myself & Irene’ Jim Carey plays a man who develops a split personality,
his wife gives birth to black triplets and rather than face the truth he lives in denial and raises them as his own after she runs off with the black guy leaving the children with Jim, years later he snaps, his mind splits into two separate people.

Splitting the mind and causing mental illness in people is also something they are attempting to achieve, we will speak about this later but as you can see, the black man and white woman agenda is happening everywhere it can.

I’m not debating the rights or wrongs of mixing ethnicities, I say ethnicities because whether black or white your race is actually Human, but the fact is that the porn addicted youth led by the religion that is Celebrity are being directed to interracial sex deliberately. This is not a case of them just wanting a bit of black, the relationships between these white female celebrities with black men are orchestrated, they do not choose their relationships, their relationships are chosen for them.

I’ll say it again, the celebrities are slaves, they do not choose their relationships, they are puppets on a string, they are animals on a leash, they are soulless mind controlled slaves. They may look free but they are anything but. You can see them depicted as marionettes in music videos such as ‘Price Tag’ by Jessie J, ‘ByeByeBye’ by N-Sync, ‘Sing’ by Ed Sheeren.

When your teenage daughters are seeing their favourite singers constantly collaborating with and dating black men, do you really think that the impression, the imprint it makes on their psyche will not further be realised through pornography?

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