So this is my first post!

I'm not much of a writer, but I guess I can post my concerns at the moment for the fun of it.

I'm an artist going for an art Bachelors Degree. I'm just a year away from graduating but I'm signing up for a writing internship as a tutor. I do love to write, but I need to brush up on my grammer and writing skills. Part of me is wondering, "Why did I sign up for this internship if I'm an art major?" My biggest worry is I mess up on grammer somewhere along the line or give the wrong advice.

ME a tutor? The thought is mind boggling. But at the same time, I want to learn how it is in the work force. Get as much experience as I can possible. As my professor once told me, the more experience you gain, the more prepared you'll be for the future. I hope to be experienced enough for my future. Uncertainly fills me, even over an internship and not a real job. Friends around me all have their own internships in places they feel they could stay forever to build their own careers. I hope the best for them and hope for the best for myself.

In a way, I encourage everyone for their own futures, no matter how scary it might look. Not words of wisdom, but just words of positivism for anyone who finds this well. Thank you for reading.

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