What is internet of things? Simple explanation here!

in #internetofthings7 years ago (edited)

What is #iot? I want to share brief #info about something you already know yet are still confused as because most of the articles and videos about iot give too much information and make it seem more complex than it really is.

You are lucky because i am not an expert! I am just a curious person who happens to know it and i can put it simply. So what is #internetofthings?

“Things” that can connect to internet for #information #exchange, constitute the notion iot. What are these things? Devices and even parts of devices.

Your navigation device on your car is one simple example of iot. It gathers information and presents it to you. It will be more advanced in near future. New robot vacuum cleaners have been in our life for a few years and are good examples of iot as well.

It is hard to catch without an example, i know. How will it be like to live with iot in near future? Let’s give a small #example, i need you to focus %100 on this example because it is very important:


You wake up in the morning with the alarm which also runs your coffee machine for you. So by the time you are done with your quick shower, your #coffee will be ready. You drink your coffee and get in your car to go to work but what is that? Navigation system tells that the #traffic is worse than usual. How does it know that? Because it is in connection with all vehicles on the road! It presents you other viable routes and you pick one. After you pick your route, #navigation system calculates time and tells that you will stil be late… And with your confirmation (or not:)), it sends this information to your colleagues. In the meantime, your #robot vacuum cleaner informs you that it started cleaning the house and it will be done in 15 minutes. After it is done, it tells you that your house has been cleaned successfully and it is in its place for charge.


I suppose you are now familiar with the notion "internet of things". It is easy to find countless of informative contents about #iot if you would like to go further.

One final word please! I am sure that some of you have already understood this while reading: These “things”, like it or not, contribute to #bigdata directly or indirectly. However this is another discussion. Well, i hope i was helpful!

Images are from www.pexels.com

PS: in fact, i don't have to cite this but some mafia groups bully me if i don't! They think they clean steemit from plagiarists "like me". Neither image owners' permission nor steemit rules are important for them, they just lynch no matter what. And the worse is, steemit representatives seem like they don't care!

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Thank you for the clear explanation Cat-M1 : Low Power Chipset

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