Super-LAN of all LAN'S: Decentralize the Internet.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #internet7 years ago (edited)

Most people who keep themselves informed regarding the internet have heard about the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) plan to repeal Net Neutrality regulations. Of course, that won't be good for internet users because it will allow ISP's (Internet Service Providers) to throttle down internet access speeds unless we want to pay a higher rate or fee to access the internet at a a high speed. Also, ISP's and smartphone mobile data providers will be able to charge fees to a web site, if that website wants to be visited by anyone.

Maybe it is time to start a new internet and just let everyone who wants the old internet keep using it. Let them have the old internet, if anyone wants to pay more for it.

What shape or form would the new internet start out with? Well, I have set up small Local Area Networks (LAN's) with three desktop personal computers before, that may serve as an example, but I am not and expert in the area local area networks. The routers I used were wired and used ethernet cables and the Windows operating system, which made it easy to set up a LAN. With Linux OS is appears to be a little more time-consuming to set up a LAN. I also have wireless routers, but only used one to get internet access from a DSL connection. I never used the wireless routers with a local area network, but I know they will work similarly to a wired router, but using radio frequencies.

All of what I know tells me that it is possible that we could just set up a very big local area network.Sure there will be kinks or problems to work out, but I am confident that we could do this, if the FCC chooses to give too much power to the ISP's. Why not just include router-pairs or repeaters within the construction of T.V. hardware it's self? Fractal antenna technology may help since it is already known and used in smartphones.

We could possibly create a super-sized LAN using wireless routers spaced within radio range, or certain homes could just have router pairs and act only as a repeater, but receive an incentive month by month in the form of some form of digital currency like lIOTA (MIOTA,) Litecoin, ether, or bitcoin.

They way I see it, there is no huge obstacle preventing us from putting our heads together and creating a newer form of the internet where we can eventually bring the costs down and maybe decentralize it. So what if it turns out to be just the ultimate Local Area Network?

Why would we need ISP's when it could be regulated with programming, voting or public consensus?

I once read that first director of the "Information Processing Techniques Office" one of the early developers of ARPANET (J.C.R. Licklider) coined the term "Internet" but called it an "Intergalactic Network of Networks." Well, that can't happen with wires and ethernet cables. The way I see that happening is with WIFI and radio waves of some frequency. Numbers really have no beginning or end. You can say ZERO, but we know there exists -100. Why should anyone believe that the electro-magnetic spectrum lacks any limit of negative or positive number limits? Additionally, what limits the number of dimensions that radio waves can interact in?

If the FCC repeals Net Neutrality, instead of improving Net Neutrality in a positive, user-beneficial way, then We the People need to create a new internet. A Super-LAN or LAN of LAN's with WIFI router pairs.

NEW: EDITED on Sunday, 11/18/19

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