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RE: Online Paid Shilling Picks Up Ahead of the Midterms

in #internet6 years ago

Yeah I was on Biz recently and had a conversation where it was pretty fucking obvious that it was shills. All I did was begin probing for principled arguments. These people dont usually have principles so its pretty easy to spot that kind of person. Ask them if they would kill the president if they knew they could. Stuff like that. You get a deep ire towards a 2 dimensional character like Trump then if their convictions were true then they are kind of forced to admit that they would. Then you end up having to deal with these blubbering morons figure out how to back track. Cuz admitting you want to kill the president is kind of a big deal and its not the focus of these meme groups.

I in no way shape or form encourage anyone to do such a terrible thing. But it does force people like this into a shitty situation where "If he is really that evil then the proper response is yes. If not then maybe hes not that evil."


When I watch people like Twitter's J.D. or Facebook get questioned, I am confused what I should think. Are they too old and outdated to understand the kinds of questions they should be asking......or are they paid off by special interests to softball questions while pretending to care. Either way, the legislative process to solve these issues are being vastly outpaced by the evolution of the internet.

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