what is internet and internet used in bangladesh

in #internet6 years ago


An Internet computer is a connecting system that literally means to the whole world, is in the hands of the human hand. With the help of this man has been elevated to a level where Sara All internet users in the world have become a society. A new door, in connection with the communication, has been exposed. Along with this, an unprecedented success has come in the development of IT.


What is internet :

The Internet is a world system of computer networks. It's like that. A network or fake expansion that has connections to many small computer networks. Just like other roads, lanes, and suburbs connect with highways in every city, there is also an integration network with other small computer networks. It is called Network Network. Through the Internet, all the information along with photos from one end of the world's computer to another computer can be quickly collected and sent. The Internet is a huge 'networking system' that spreads to the world. Contacting millions of people, millions of people, research and business organizations in the world with personal computers. The system has developed the Internet.

The origins and progress of the Internet:

In 1969, the US Department of Defense started its first Internet use. Computer scientists of the United States Department of Defense. The first internal communication system was developed with the help of just 4 computers. This communication system is called 'Deranpan'. The number of computers reached Teetrisha after not going for three years. The demand increases day by day. On the basis of increasing demand, in 1984, the National Science Foundation of the United States launched a non-public communication system called 'Nesafnet', which was the only means of information exchange for research. In three years, Nesphanet spread throughout the world. In order to grow, many more small and big 'networks' were developed. As a result, some anarchy arises in this system. In order to get rid of this anarchy, there is a need to control the whole system. And this is why a central network is being developed at the beginning of the 1990's. The world is familiar with the concept of 'Internet'. In 1993, Intanet was opened for commercial use. Within a few months, millions of new members were associated with the Internet. Currently with the central network around the world. Twenty thousand new jobs have been added. And the number of these users is now increasing at a geometric rate of more than three million. In this way, the snakebite was engulfed like an Internet net.

Types of internetnetworks:

Users can be Internet subscribers in 2 ways. The first is on-line internet . Connecting to Surasiri Computer with Telephone Line on any other Internet Service Provider. The approach is called on-line internet. Users can be associated with any other provider at any time. Also, ip Access methods can be directly connected to on-line internet. But this method is expensive, the general customer does not feel interested in it. The second method is the off-line internet which is known as e-mail. In this process, as a means of accepting the nearest server as a medium, it is called off-line internet or e-mail. In this method, customers can communicate and share information on low-cost off-line or e-mail internet.

Internet usage: Different types of internet usage methods For example,

A. Web:

Web is the information that is kept in Internet-connected computers Method of use


B. Chat:

Chat with multiple people at the same time can be talked about.


C. E-mail:

This is a simple system of communication. It is possible to exchange information very quickly with this method.


D. Net News:

Internet protected news can be made open at any time.


E. E-Cash:

Electronic banking system through the Internet is called e-cash system.


F. Arki:

Arki is a method set up to provide information services to the network, which provides information It is able to automatically coordinate the index form and present it.


Internet in Bangladesh:

On 11 November 1993, the use of internet has started. In addition to maintaining communication via internet offline, there were several organizations offering mail services. But due to offline connectivity, these organizations could not have access to huge resources of the world. E-mails Only dunalo (data capture) and upload (info can be sent). But online internet service in Bangladesh from July 15, 1996 .Payment is on. In Bangladesh Information Super Highway, that is, a vast world of information technology. As a result, the number of Internet users increased significantly. In December 1996, the number of users was 1 thousand. At the beginning of 2000, this figure stands at an estimated 60 thousand. It is estimated, this number is estimated to be more than 100,000 in 2002. At the beginning of the year, the number of Internet users stood at 6.7 million.


Internet Benefits:

The use of the Internet has brought huge changes in people's lives. This communication network has made it impossible today to impossible With its help, information and news can be sent at any point in the world at any time, and new information is available from there. The use of internet has increasingly increased in politics, economy, education, entertainment, marketing etc. Through this, the reaction of any country to other countries is easily understood. The situation of the stock market of any country and the economic condition of the people of the country can also be easily understood by other people. With the help of the Internet, anyone from anywhere in the world can access the world's largest library, collecting information from different books. In the course of time, students can understand the reading through the internet through a teacher. Internet is also used for entertainment. It is possible for a Bangladeshi person to enjoy an open air concert from New York via the Internet, using an internet facility, one of the patients in Bangladesh can consult foreign doctor's advice. It is now possible to make cocoa of other countries in the country through credit cards. Apart from playing different types of songs, listening to music, watching movies, cooking, learning about fashion. Establish marriage relations. It goes through the internet. Today, the Internet does not have to travel for work. Applying for a job can be applied to any organization at home. Some people are working on the internet and are self-reliant. Someone is sitting at home online and working in a foreign institution and getting salary at the end of the month online. The contents of the Internet can be divided into several sections. These are: (1) World Wide Web, (2) E-mail, (3) Newsgroups, (4) Telnet (5) Gopher and (6) File Transfer. Reading and listening to other computer information via the World Wide Web. E-mails can be exchanged with other computers. Readers of daily newspapers published in the Internet can be made by Newsgroups. Telnet can be exchanged with other internet users by typing directly on the computer. File transfer can be used to transfer files to other computers and save files on one computer. In one word, the internet data works as a diver in the field of collecting information from the sea. Because of the many uses of the Internet, the world is going through the internet every day.


Internet disadvantages.

There is no such thing as the good and the bad aspects of everything, the Internet is no exception. Some users or consumers are engaging in unsuitable activities, such as providing false information, sharing pornographic images, or playing gambling via Internet. Some people are creating computer viruses and spreading it on the Internet. As a result, millions of computers in the world are being damaged. In 1988, someone in the computer network of the University of California. Deliberately damaging thousands of computers by entering the virus called "Internet worm" A virus called 'Cheranabil Virus' attacks on a certain day of the year and loses millions of computers around the world. Recently, a virus called 'Lavabag' has also caused huge damage. If the virus is a computer program that is able to destroy memory of another computer. Apart from using the Internet, three thirteen-year-old students of the United States used to bomb their fits to school. Internet hackers can collect all the information from other computers through the Internet As a result, many secrets were leaked. A few days ago, an online game based on the Internet called "C Hoel" forced self-inflicted millions of children and teenagers around the world. That is, with the help of the people of the world, such benefits are being made and there are various losses. But this can not be blamed on the internet system. Rather, the world has to be aware of its fair use.



Internet integration:

Internet access is the first thing that a computer or mobile phone needs. The computer will need a modem. It will take Internet connection from Internet service providers. The mobile phone user has to purchase specific amount of internet at a specific price, from its network service provider. But first of all, the user must have knowledge about internet usage.


Internet science trips, new additions added The internet made impossible to impossible today. Through this, people's lives are becoming much easier. If all internet users around the world work together to stop the maladaptation of Internet, then the internet will be able to make more progress in human life. Maybe this internet system will control all the activities of the world in the coming days.

believe in yourself by @sorayakhatun

I've lost 3 hours to prepare this post for myself, do not forget to give your opinion


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