What are the advantages of social media?

in #internet6 years ago (edited)

View the original post on Musing.io

As a person from Kerala I am now fully aware of the power and advantages of social medias. Kerala experienced one of the deadliest flood a few weeks ago and are still in the process of recovering. People of Kerala will definitely say that social media has saved  thousands of life from washed away.

During the initial phase of flood:

When water started rising and people were stranded on the top floors of their house, they made use of 'live' feature and shared it on Facebook when all the electricity and phone cables were shut off. They also shared their exact location via google maps and Whatsapp. This made the rescue team to find them easier.Friends and relatives of the effected , even those who were abroad made use of social media to inform the rescue teams effectively as where to search. People shared and passed on the information about those who were in need of help.Keralites from across the globe co ordinated through social medias and operated call centers and prepared tracking sheets which played a huge role in rescue missions. Not just the common people even higher ranking officials have made use of social medias to share updates  and information related to the calamity

After flood:

Even now after the flood social media is being used for co ordinating relief works , raising funds, transporting and distributing food,medicines and in other volunteering works. They share information about where food and water is required urgently ,if doctors and medicines were required etc.  Many expert people have made posts about how to deal the aftermats of flood regarding health precautions to be taken, tips to clean the house etc are being still circulated.

People from all over India and other countries have come together to help us seeing those posts shared through various social medias. The response have been incredible.  In our case social media was a true boon.

Moving to other advantages:

* The development of social media have made the world more closer regardless of where you are at present in the world. In my case I am able to talk to my family who are miles apart from me now. Features like video and audio calling is a huge relief for people like me .Its also less costlier. I use the calling feature of Whatsapp to communicate with my family. Also I can share photos and other medias with them. Social media helps me to stay in touch with them always.

*Another important advantage is that people are able to exibit their talents and they get more exposure and opportunities .

*Now a days anyone who is interested can become a writer with the advent of blogging platforms like Steemit. But was it that simple in older days??

*Social media helps us to connect with other communities and people of similar interest.

*A lot of informative stuff can be made use to reach more people.

*Pages,communities,groups can be created for the growth of your business. 

*There are various non-profit organisations who shares their work and make people inspired.

*And for bonus you can do something extraordinary,go viral and then get famous in the nick of time ;)

Well social media is not about positives only. Every coin has two sides. But since the question was about the advantages hope the above point answers your question.

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