Net Neutrality Simplified

in #internet7 years ago


Internet service providers can act and charge differently, depending on many factors. At first glance, that might sound unfair. A part of Net Neutrality promises to force "equality" by turning ISPs into a public utility with oversight from the FCC. The really cool part is that FCC commissioners are all angels who would never take bribes, never have friends or family in the Industry, nor do they have mere human biases.

How else will Net Neutrality save us from all the greedy non-angels?

By forcing the same speed and cost for whatever size or type of data being sent. Ooh a wonderfully simple answer that at first sounds fair and wonderful! So does Santa Claus. Until you look deeper. Basic economics dictates the Internet services we want would become equally expensive, not equally cheap. What? How?

Think of it like this. Right now it is cheaper to ship a letter than a bowling ball through UPS. Logical, right? It takes more fuel and effort to ship the bowling ball. But if the government stepped in and forced UPS to charge the same amount to ship either, do you think shipping light-weight items like letters would stay cheap like they are now?

Do you want your Internet access provided by one of multiple competing independent companies where some will try to screw you and some won't and you always have the choice to move to another provider? Where less regulation means it's easier for smaller, new, nimble companies to enter the playing field?

Or do you prefer your Internet providers be tightly controlled by one big monopoly (Federal Government/FCC) who is sure to screw you and who is vulnerable to regulatory capture ( by the players with the most money?

How about censorship? Yeah it would suck if Verizon or Comcast decided to censor your speech, posts, or your favorite show, "So I Married a Hermaphrodite Sex Robot."

Without Net Neutering, you can choose to jump to some other provider who doesn't give a shit about your depravities. With Net Neutrality, you are at the mercy of one entity, the FCC. What this leads to is higher prices, lower quality, and less choice.

Do you want a future where you need to be sure everything you share on your YouTube channel is government approved?


This is an important message. Net neutrality is very simply a government takeover of the internet.


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