No privacy under big data(大数据之下无隐私)

in #internet6 years ago

Author | fat cat
Source | Bistro of fat cat (ID: zhihufeifeimao)

I recently found a strange thing.

I searched for the same small minority goods in Taobao and Jingdong a few days ago. To what extent is the minority? The niche to the average person does not know the existence of such things.

As a result, I opened up a lot of puzzles today, and I tried to recommend this one on the first page of the homepage.

This? ? ?

I have to know that I have not searched for anything in the fight. It is purely because of the curiosity and the amount of silly, and I have not searched the name of this product in any search engine.

In other words, it is only possible to get my search records from Taobao and Jingdong.

But I think these two big households obviously won't share this big data with such a competitor.

The question is coming. How do you get my preferences? Is Taobao selling inside? Is Taobao being tried to break through the database? Is my Huawei mobile phone selling me?

Is it true that various software and hardware are already using and sharing user information with each other, but if there is data in hand, will they get access to the table?

I can't think of it and think about it.

01 Have you met?

I sent a lot of things to know, and I want to see if anyone has the same feelings as me. As a result, many people have said to me that I have found out that this is too slow:

Someone tried to search for a song in the B station, and the next day, Netease Cloud Music's daily recommendation has this song. Is there a py transaction between B station and NetEase cloud music? - I guess there should be. Of course this is acceptable.

Someone saw a RC shoe in Xiaohongshu, and then went to Taobao to search for a purchase. Later, I felt that it was not reliable. I immediately saw the promotion of the same shoe on Weibo. Is there a py transaction on Weibo and Taobao? I don't know if someone just went to participate in a Beijing wedding fair. At night, I went home to open Weibo and WeChat, and found that the information flow advertisements all became wedding photos, wedding companies, wedding dresses, and so on.

What scared him was that he had never conducted any searches related to marriage on his mobile phone before. The reason for this change is simply because he went to a wedding fair and someone was aware of the problem related to formaldehyde. It was just Baidu. As a result, even a gourmet app began to recommend formaldehyde removal companies. Open a wealth management website on Baidu, and call it in less than half an hour.


Sometimes you search for a novel on the Internet, and then suddenly there will be a lot of fake websites on Baidu to show that their website has this novel to download, and then let Baidu push him on the front page, you open the link and see that there is actually no. But there are ads for other things.

Qq is also very good, push shop ads will always change with your itinerary. You will push you in Wuhan in Wuhan, and you will push Suzhou in Suzhou.

After reading the confidant of Zhiyou, I think the Internet today is really terrible. I know that big data will eventually come to the end of the day - we are sold and don't know how to sell it, but I didn't expect it to be so fast this day.

I have already been fooled by the big data.

I used to think that just like you go to the downstairs restaurant to eat, because you like to eat parsley, the boss wants to keep you, after you have been to the first time, every time you add some more to you to please you. This is a good thing, so-called big data should improve my life like this.

But if the boss sold my preferences to all the people who could afford the money in Fangyuan 20, and did not ask them to take this information, this thing made me a little uneasy. What's more, it's not just the information I love to eat parsley.

I have a fan as an Internet practitioner telling me that these are normal phenomena. Let me go to Baidu and I will know about Ali Mom, so I really went to Baidu.
Can you imagine that the term “crowd fishing” can be used as an open marketing strategy to sell.
I am not a farmer, and no one wants to "fish" me.

02 Who is selling you?

Because of the many things, I recently began to reflect on my online habits.

In addition to the fact that these Internet companies may be intertwined, what other things we may be hiding around us?

Could it be that the browser leaked your information?
When the browser was still the main portal of traffic, how many profiteers made their minds on the browser. Today, this ecology is still absent, has it been upgraded to a new means?

Will it be the input method pot?

To be suspicious, the input method is actually the biggest, because there is no data sharing between the various softwares, but the input method is something that connects the various software. It has mastered the Chinese output content of your online and offline. If you use it, this is a huge wealth pool.


There is also a router thing, this is the easiest to ignore by ordinary people.

I remember that in the past, the bank engaged in Internet security science. An important experience is not to use the public wifi when logging in to online banking, but to directly connect China Unicom's 4G, because you don't know if the public wifi router intercepts your transmission in the middle. information.


In fact, think about it, is the router at home reliable? Many people now respond to using their mobile phones to search for things at home wifi, and then they will find something similar to the phone search on the home computer. Now many companies that engage in online lending blockchain are even willing to send you a router for free.


w 1Hi1 China's operators are not trustworthy.

Although it is unlikely that Mobile Unicom will engage in your online banking password, it is still very motivating to sell you a little personal information.
Even if Mobile Unicom can manage itself, will it be able to control hundreds of thousands of employees below it? Not too optimistic.

Of course, these are not the most embarrassing, the most fear is to directly on the phone hardware. With ordinary people's hands-on ability and digital level, it is completely uncontested to fight against the hardware level.

Why does Snowden keep the habit of sticking the camera with tape all the year round? He knows how deep the water is, and many apps listen to your mobile phone microphone. What I just said to someone else’s voice is recommended to you.


The current speech recognition is very complete. Even with a heavy accent/using dialect, the voice input method has a very high recognition rate. Of course, there will be a lot of interference when the phone is in the pocket, which will reduce the recognition rate; but even if you can only identify some clips, it is enough to do a lot of analysis.

A team in Singapore even succeeded in using the accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and proximity sensors available on each phone to get the password you entered.

The principle is this: when you reach out and draw on the screen, the small position change of the mobile phone will be reflected as the minimum change of the value in the accelerometer and gyroscope. It is enough to infer your finger through the slight difference of the torque. Point to which corner of the screen.

These sensors, in the past, did not consider it to be sensitive and require protection, so any program can read it.

How is it, is it creepy?


Smartphones are probably the most intimate surveillance devices ever invented. It keeps track of our location, it knows where we live, where we work, and where we spend. Know when we wake up and when to sleep, because everyone has a cell phone, so it can also
I have already figured out that the so-called new retail is actually killing with big data.

A hotel, if there are a lot of ip are inquiring, don't think about it, the price will definitely feed. If you use the same device of the same ip to check repeatedly, check it several times a day, he will deliberately have no room. If you cancel the order for the first time, look back and the price will rise sharply. Because he knows that your current needs are particularly urgent.

Ma Weidu said that he also had a similar experience when he was an antique: if you buy antiques on the spot, you will often have a lower price. If you hesitate, after two days, the other party will know that you have a clear intention to buy. Immediately raise prices. He called this "buy shocked."

For example, many years ago, the US emperor had a case of "showing a higher pizza price to users if there is no KFC nearby."

So similarly, if you find that you live in the "window people area", what is sold to you is not expensive, is it worthy of big data, is it worth the efforts of the Internet industry?

Later, the group of e-commerce providers can also distinguish whether each purchaser is Gao Shuaifu or Reel, and also buy a pair of nikes. According to your usual consumption, it is judged to be Gao Shuaifu, with certain discriminating ability, to send real goods. .

Generally poor, as for the brand, directly send fakes, beautiful.


Now the whole genome of humans is only 70 G in size, including all your information. If this is sold and sold later, the insurance company will definitely recommend you to buy your most unlikely disease insurance, so that their The loss ratio will be greatly reduced.

If big data is combined with the securities market, it is a weapon to cut the leek. In this zero-sum game, the agency's harvesting of retail investors will become a one-way slaughter.

If you must sum up what the new retailers of the merchants and scholars on the countertop are reviving, then you can give him the next definition:
Through a series of analysis, it is judged that:

·who are you,
·What are you doing now?
· How much willing to pay to do it.

Then, through accurate user portraits, you can show higher prices and earn more benefits for users with high spending power and strong consumer willingness.

More specifically, they will judge whether you are "just looking" or "in my heart" or even "impatient" based on the vocabulary, time, and frequency of search engines and your friends. The entire social relationship circle adjusts the offer. You will be increasingly led to buy things that are not optimal for you, but that are more profitable for merchants.

Don't feel that there is nothing to reveal about your seemingly inconspicuous information. As long as you have the heart, it is still very easy to find more money from you - and you can't find it.


So you guess, why domestic apps, always like a suffocating to 3, 40 or even more licenses, trying to put your contacts into your SMS your camera your microphone your SD card and so on, etc., all The content is all over the place?

In the future, the market value of these big gangs will increase by a few hundred million yuan.

04 a more terrible future is ahead

It is a very troublesome thing to wash a person's brain in the past.

For example, a pyramid scheme organization must first swind you into a place, arrange a strong man to lock you up and let it go, and then the host said that every day, the mouth is dry, sing and cry, it may not be able to wash successfully.

future? Brainwashing doesn't need to be so troublesome. As you deliver more and more personal information, the data in the cloud is getting bigger and bigger. You know your own interest groups and people with ulterior motives better than you can let your brain automatically generate it. The thought they need.

These websites that have a lot of personal information, not only your birth character, identity address, the key he recorded your behavior, through the background repeated simulation calculations, he can understand your needs in the shortest time, and then quickly meet you.

Slowly, the "good use" of the Internet will gradually abduct your mind.


In the face of huge data, human beings are more and more like a variable role that provides input. Any attempt to disguise and protect themselves is futile in the absence of dead-end data monitoring.

The trash headline and vibrato is a rehearsal. A lot of computing is used every day to predict the "real" demand of 100 million users. What is the "real" demand of 100 million users? No one can tell, the algorithm tells you that it is the young lady who is not finished and the white thigh.

To be honest, it’s not the most horrible to advertise by climbing the keywords I type. The most horrible thing is that I just think about it, and then it will push ads for such things. And after he pushed it, I actually felt that I really needed it.

It can be seen that the salary of the algorithm engineer is not white.


What is the process of e-mall password SIGN IN? for example:
One day, you suddenly want to know about a brand of laptop, and once you open a website, you find that the advertisement recommendation has already recommended this item to you.

You may have doubts in your heart. I obviously didn't search for this thing on the Internet. I have never talked to people about this brand. How do I know the advertisement? I just want to know about it now?

In fact, it is very simple. The reason why you have the idea of ​​knowing this notebook is not generated out of thin air. It may be that when you browse other places, the evaluation of the notebook-related evaluation or promotion stays for a few milliseconds.


The scroll is slower by 0.1 seconds, then people can't find this little trick even if they are "rape"; even you don't notice that your finger is slow to move, but the computer can easily detect the pause - and then immediately Take action.

For a few milliseconds, this action was immediately recorded, indicating that you are interested in this product. Now, just think of ways to "push" you and help you make up your mind faster.


The algorithm will tend to recommend more and information about a brand's founders, games, and hardware in the next consultation.

The accumulation of less and more, finally these activities caused your thoughts on the level of consciousness - I need to buy a new laptop, the algorithm is done, this time you can officially push your ads.

The algorithm can also attribute the high-frequency words of these recent friends, that is, the topics they have recently concerned, based on the information left by friends around you. And you are their friend, so the algorithm thinks that you may always hear about this topic from friends and become concerned.

Individual behaviors are not all randomly generated, and information about your next move has been included in previous searches and reports. So you will think how the computer is so powerful, and you can see what you think in your heart. In fact, it is not guessed, but your consciousness is guided, but you are not aware of it.

S44 Finally, we became a mobile database ourselves.
Each of our searches turns into a label in the user's portrait that is forwarded on these platforms on the Internet. Every time we open a webpage or app, we are hung up and sold:

Eh! Oh! This person is here to go online, who wants to show him ads, the price is high!

In the era of big data, you have nowhere to go.
Baidu’s Li Yanhong has publicly declared that Chinese people are willing to use privacy for convenience.

Borrow a comment that knows: Throughout the ages, all those who harm the interests of the Chinese people will use such an excuse -Chinese do not need to. What the Chinese need, the people themselves have no right to define.

Postscript 05

I consulted a friend who compared Geek's hardcore how to erase the traces left on the Internet. His advice to me was:

Domestic services don't want to delete data. It is very cyberpunk's behavior to completely erase the traces on the Internet. Don't ask for it. Unless you are like me, turn off all unnecessary positioning licenses, photo reading licenses, and address book read permissions, never even outside wifi. All apps prohibit reading the address book, prohibit reading the application list, and prohibit reading the information.

I said, is there any software that can be used? This is not a full stop.

He said, so I never use any mainland software, can use open source software to open source, any real estate software is used in virtual machine or Sandbox, multi-agent plus TOR.
I thought about it and gave up.


To be honest, in the face of this kind of joint encirclement of capital and technology, there is really no good way to deal with it. So many foreigners can't control the law. China has not even realized this aspect.

The last time big data was killed, it was still the first half of the year. This was actually the last thing. The media collectively shut up, the keyword search disappeared, and the power of the giants was really strong.

The only thing we can do is to be vigilant. If possible, forward such articles to people around you. Our indifference will eventually nourish a group of terrible monsters.

This article is authorized by the ferry cat's bistro (micro signal: zhihufeifeimao), please contact the original author.

作者 | 肥肥猫
来源 | 肥肥猫的小酒馆(ID:zhihufeifeimao)




这 ???









有人试过在 B 站搜一首歌听,结果第二天网易云音乐的每日推荐里就有这首歌。B 站和网易云音乐有没有 py 交易?——我猜应该是有的。当然这尚可接受。

有人在小红书看到一个 RC 的鞋,然后就去淘宝上搜有没有代购,后来感觉不靠谱就放弃了,结果马上就在微博上就看见同款鞋的推广。微博和淘宝有没有 py 交易?我不知道。


有人在知乎看到除甲醛的相关问题,只是百度了一下,结果连一个美食 app 都开始推荐除甲醛公司。在百度上打开某理财网站,不到半小时推销电话就打过来了。

qq 也很牛逼,推送的店铺广告会一直随着你的行程而变。你在武汉它就给你推武汉,你在苏州它就推苏州。





但如果这个老板把我的喜好卖给方圆 20 里地所有出得起钱的人,也不问他们拿了这个信息要干嘛,这个事情就变得让我有点不安起来。何况,现在出售的可不仅仅是我爱吃香菜这点信息。












我记得过去银行搞互联网安全科普,一条重要的经验就是登陆网银的时候不要用公共场合的 wifi,而是直接连移动联通的 4G,因为你不知道公共 wifi 路由器是不是在中间截取了你的传输信息。

其实想想,家里的路由器就可靠吗?很多人现在都反应用手机连家里 wifi 搜个东西,然后在家用电脑会发现给你推荐类似手机搜过的东西。现在很多搞网贷区块链的公司甚至愿意免费送你路由器,能安什么好心?




为什么斯诺登常年保持把摄像头用胶布贴起来的习惯?他知道这里面水有多深,很多 app 监听着你的手机麦克风,刚和别人语音说过的东西马上就推荐给你绝对不是空穴来风。









一家酒店,如果有好多 ip 都在查询,别想了,价格肯定嗖嗖涨。如果你用同一个 ip 的不同设备反复查,一天查好几次,他还会故意无房。要是你第一次点了取消后,回头再来看,价格会陡然升高。因为他知道你现在的需求特别迫切了。




以后那帮搞电商还能做到分辨每一个购买者是高帅富还是屌丝,同样买一双 nike,根据你平时的消费,判定是高帅富的,有一定鉴别能力的,给发真货。一般穷屌丝,就图个牌子的那种,直接发假货,美滋滋。

现在人类全基因组全测序完也才 70 个 G 的大小,包含你所有的信息,以后要是这个也被卖来卖去,保险公司一定会推荐你买你最不可能的病的保险,这样他们的赔付率会大幅降低。








所以你猜,为什么国产应用,总喜欢一口气要 3、40 项甚至更多授权,试图把你的通讯录你的短信你的摄像头你的麦克风你的 SD 卡等等等等,把所有的内容都一网打尽呢?









那个垃圾头条和抖音就是一场预演,每天大量的运算被用来预测 1 亿用户的“真实”需求,1 亿用户的“真实”需求是什么?没人说得清,算法告诉你,是看不完的小姐姐和白大腿。








滚动慢了 0.1 秒那么一下,人再“奸”都发觉不了这个小动作;甚至连你自己都没注意到自己手指拨动慢了那么一丝丝;但电脑却可以轻松察觉到这个停顿——然后立即采取行动。







我们的每次搜索都会变成用户画像中的一个标签在互联网上的这些平台上转发,我们每打开一次网页或者 app,我们就被挂起来卖了:






我咨询了一个比较 Geek 硬核的朋友要怎么擦除互联网上留下的痕迹,他给我的建议是:

国产服务不要想删除数据的事了。想彻底抹去互联网上的痕迹是很赛博朋克的行为,不要自找苦吃。除非你像我一样,关闭掉一切非必须的定位许可、照片读取许可、通讯录读取许可,从来不在外面连 wifi。所有 app 禁止读取通讯录,禁止读取应用列表,禁止读取信息。


他说,所以我从来不用任何内地软件,能用开源软件一律用开源,任何内地产软件都放在 virtual machine 或者 Sandbox 里面用,多重代理加 TOR。







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