How healthy is the Internet?

in #internet6 years ago

Mozilla’s Internet Health Report


Technology is advancing so fast that it's hard to get a handle on the opportunities and challenges. People feel vulnerable to 'fake news' and online security threats everyday. All the while, shoes can order pizza, and artificial intelligence helps doctors diagnose disease outbreaks faster than ever. The health of the Internet is not just a technical issue, it's a human one.

Just how healthy is our internet? Check out the 2018 Internet Health Report.

Through data, research and stories Mozilla shows how the internet is evolving. What does 'security' mean in a world where our phones, watches, cars, and vacuums are all online? What is driving the onslaught of fake news? How big is 'too big' when it comes to tech giants?

  • Privacy and security

Is it safe?

The Internet is where we could live, love, learn and communicate freely. To be ourselves, we need to be able to trust the systems that protect us.

  • Openness

How open is it?

The Internet is transformative because it is open: everyone can participate and innovate. But openness is not guaranteed – it’s always under attack.

  • Digital inclusion

Who is welcome?

It’s not just about how many people have access to the Internet, but whether that access is safe and meaningful for all of us.

  • Web literacy

Who can succeed?

Getting online isn’t enough on its own. Everyone needs skills to read, write and participate in the digital world.

  • Decentralization

Who controls it?

A few large players dominate much of the online world, but the Internet is healthier when it is controlled by many.


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