Now that the UN controls ICANN

in #internet8 years ago

I am saving the number addresses to my favorite websites servers. Especially ones where people could share the ones they saved.... If the UN wanted to block a website they would simply point your web address to a false location. ICANN is responsible for registering the actual address of a website looks like ... to the words you type. like So if they wanted to they could make steemit route nowhere or to a fake server.... Unless you typed the numbers instead of the name.... The blockchain is not vulnerable to anything like this but when using a front end registered with centralized ICANN under UN control. Some precaution and pro-activity is recommended....


Scary, ominous... We need distributed, blockchain-based, non-censorable name servers... 😄😇😄


There are some blockchain projects aiming to decentralise the web. MaidSafe is the biggest one. I believe QORA is on its way to do something in this area also.

Yes, I'm aware at some level of these projects... They can't come to fruition soon enough! I appreciate you mentioning them!

This piqued my curiosity so I did some searching for a decentralized DNS solution. It turns out someone else has already thought of this using blockchain (It never ceases to amaze me how many different practical applications there are for block chain technology).

It looks like it only works with ".bit" websites and you need a browser that is capable of browsing these sites. Check out Dot-Bit or BlockStack.

SSL all the things.

Do a Google search for "DNS server". You can then try "setting up a local DNS server". It might save you a great deal of wasted time.

So that's how to find the number address.
I remember reading about UN taking over a while back I didn't really know what it meant for the world but the transfer seemed to be done uncover of darkness which seemed a little creepy.

The UN ISSSS very creepy. Here's their Headquarters....

If its United Nations, why is there one seat seeming to rule over the Nations?

thanks for the idea, very cool.
these numbers could be preserved in the blockchain

Interesting. They seem to have A LOT of interest in our Internet.

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