The Internet is a scam

in #internet6 years ago

Now don't take this the wrong way. The internet as a whole is not a scam, however, it is saturated with so much content that it can be difficult to navigate through the sea known as the world wide web. Just narrowing down a search into a small portion such as blogging alone, over 2 million blog posts are published daily so, you can imagine how large the internet possibly could be.

The point I am coming to is, recently I started to learn about making money with investing, stocks blah blah blah. I went through video after video, page after page. One major thing I learned is many of the recommendations for earning money are such a scheme or unethical. A lot of content posted was helpful but I sware most of these "helpful ways to get rich with passive income no experience necessary," look at all this money I made from this process I do" I would get so drawn I was ready to throw the hard earned money I have made to live the AMERICAN DREAM. But, before I finished filling in that last line of my card information I would stop and be like... Hold up this sounds too good to be true and I need to delve deeper into this. I am happy I could not be just brainwashed into buying a program or book. Only thing is it made also made me upset at the same time. Not because I almost fell for the pyramid scheme or could have lost a few bucks on a nothing of a product and waste my time. I was upset because there are so many people who DO get brainwashed by these marketers. They dangle their Bedazzled lures out and wait for the fish to bite. So, if you are looking to make money online do your research before trying to invest in something that sounds too good to be true.

2018 is a weird time to be living (THE AGE OF INFORMATION) for technology. You can literally make money with a click of a button on your phone. There are many apps you can download to make money like cheeky games to gain points which can lead to gift cards or real cash. I have messed with a few of them and they are not ways to make livable money unless you can gain many followers to invite to the app. You can make a few bucks but, don't quit your job thinking you will win big. Another avenue which I have been looking into is financial stocks. Don't ask me about this right now I have no idea what I am doing. I am starting slow and researching how to do it and for how little to begin. I downloaded a few different apps recommended by multiple reviews and one of my best mates.

All in all, I am surprised how much good and bad information is posted and want to keep on figuring out where to move forward next, hopefully not learning to many mistakes on the way. I will keep you posted, but please let me know if there is something you would like to inform me. However, site your sources I don't want a bunch of mumbo-jumbo leading anyone on here that is not helpful. I want to be able to help others and lead them in the right direction. As I said before there is too much bad in the world. Let us try and make it better by helping one another.

Thanks as always
