Really Cool Shark Attacks Tracking UI by Google Analytics

in #interesting6 years ago

Data Visualization of Shark Attacks by Google Analytics 2017 - 2018

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My Thoughts

I found this really cool website using Google Analytics to Data Visualize "Shark Attacks" and felt it was really worth sharing. It's pretty incredible to see how versatile Google Analytics can be aquiring data from various posts and then honing them all in one place with an interactive map neatly showing all of the incidents that were recorded.


Here you can see their nicely done roll out menu showing sorting and filtering. I really like the on/off toggles here.


Here they show easy ICONS to identify different targets and incidents. Add the pan and zoom functionality and its really intuitive and nicely shown here.


Lastly, zoom in on an incident to see the actual record of interest. It gives a brief description of the incident along with the actual data record reference if youd like to know more.

Overall A really nice UI done here with a topic of interest. As a surfer, it inspires me to see data metrics like this. After having a surfing conversation with @v4vapid about surfing I did some poking around and found this. It really intrigued me.

If you'd like to check out this UI and interact with it, you don't need a gmail account to access it. If you'd like to fiddle with the really nicely done UI click below.

Click Here for the Shark Attack Interactive Map




@theUXyeti - Geek of all Trades, Master of Many! Built over 200 interfaces for Start ups to Fortune 500 companies across websites, mobile apps, mobile games, console games, VR/AR games, wearables, appliance UI, aerospace, military UI, ecommerce.
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