in #interesting7 years ago

What is the secret of this divine shape? This is the sign of eternity that the Creator has chosen as a symbol for his name.

The more points all geometric shapes have, it is the only shape that surrounds it. All geometric shapes have a limited number of corners. A single shape does not fit this rule unusually. It contains all shapes, all dots, all geometry, "FLAT"

All the atoms are circle-shaped orbits, and all the stars that shine at night, even all the worlds like ours ... Only they walk on the trajectory of the circle-like orbit. He's the official figure of the name.


"He (Allah) has surrounded all things"

How can not any living creature remain alive without the call of Him, and no object can stand in the world of being if it does not exist in His appointed sky. It disappears. Every being is in love with O. Every piece of O'na is a possession. It is only the AŞK that gives power and direction to everything. All feelings are born of love. Hate, jealousy, even reason is a product of love.

And LOI has whispered a number in the spirit of human DNA. Number of Golden Ratio. 1,618 arising from the interaction of the Infinite Circle and the Shapes. The code placed inside us made us feel strongly about everything that resembled O.

In the middle of all human faces, in the most beautiful hundreds and bodies, there was this sign of divine proportions. All the plants opened leaves in a leaf arrangement called the phyllotaxy, in accordance with the golden way.

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