How Einstein learned physics 🌿

in #interesting7 years ago

How Einstein learned physics ?


The biography of Albert Einstein, written by Walter Isaacsen, covers not only the intellectual achievements of the great physicist, but the most curious information concerns the part that tells how Einstein studied.

How smart was Einstein?
One of the most common stories about Einstein says that he "knew three" mathematics / physics and did not graduate from a mathematical school. This is one of those stories that become legends, regardless of whether it is true or not.

But she's not true. Einstein knew mathematics well from an early age. He himself admits: "I never failed mathematics.
Here are some of his methods, which Isaacsen says in the book.

🌿 Training comes from solving difficult problems, and not from attending school
The famous scientist was averse to cramming and attending classes. As he himself claimed: "I played a lot and studied the masters of theoretical physics at home."

When he was 12 years old, Einstein already had a "propensity to solve complex problems in arithmetic" and his parents bought him an advanced mathematical textbook, which he could study in the summer.
Its main principle at that time was "do, but do not listen."

🌿 Intuition is more important than equations
Yes, he can be called an intuitive physicist. He was influenced by Aaron Bershtein's books, which encouraged exactly the intuitive approach to physics. They abounded with imaginary images, such as "an imaginary journey through space" or "speed of light".

How did Einstein develop intuition? His own thoughts on this matter boiled down to the fact that intuition is nothing but the result of an early intellectual experience.

🌿 Thinking requires calm space and deep concentration
Einstein had an incredible ability. His son writes: "Even the baby's loudest crying did not bother his father. He could continue to work, despite the noise around. "

Here is what the physicist himself says about his work in the patent office of Bern: "I could do all the work in 2-3 hours. In the remaining time, I developed my ideas. "
And yet the ability to focus and the love of solitude allowed him to achieve heights.

🌿 Understanding of ideas arises with the help of mental experiments
Einstein was a fan of thought experiments. They did not require expenditure and were carried out very quickly. His most famous experiments were the paradox of Einstein and the paradox of twins.


Hello, thanks for sharing this info. There are so many other geniuses who hadn’t schooled just like Eienstein, but ended up being top scolars and professors in institutions like MIT.

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