Interactivity on your posts

in #interactivity6 years ago (edited)

I wanted to write about something which I may have written about before, but I believe it's of outmost importance for your Steem blog/page. Especially if you are someone with an already existing fanbase on another platform.

There have been many that I have noticed who join Steem with the hopes to post content here and be rewarded similar to the way they are rewarded on other platforms. The difference is that there you get rewarded from adrevenue, here things work quite differently. Many of these content creators seem to lack interactivity on their posts which often can lead to less votes being given to those posts.

I know, I know, a lot of investors and curators have lately given up on curating and are delegating to bidbots, etc, for maximum profits, but there are still some around and hopefully with some changes around the corner they will be incentivized to curate once again.

What I would recommend any of these creators from other platforms that are having a hard time on Steem, though, is to market your Steem account on your existing social media platforms. This is not just selfish advice to raise the amount of users on the platform for my own gain through the value of Steem rising. You will benefit a lot through it by having more interactivity with your fanbase on Steem as well than just on the other platforms. The key differences here is that you yourself can reward your most loyal and good commenting fanbase and they can grow with you to support you in the future. It is not just ethics so that your posts don't look like graveyards with some rewards next to them, but it is beneficial for everyone.

One of the few reasons I've noticed flags in the post which have been about "disagreement of rewards" have been on posts they've felt have been overrewarded when no one was commenting on them or the author was not engaging with his audience at all.

I personally have some loyal followers who have been interacting and voting on my content/contributions for a long time and with their SP and prices increasing their stake and votes have become worth a lot more than they used to be and I appreciate their continued support a lot.

I don't want to dismiss the negative points on the platform right now such as spammers writing short comments and voting themselves up or those that barely have any SP but hoping for votes on copy-pasted comments. I know those can get very tiring to endure and have to read through but I've learned that flagging them every once in a while when you recognize the usernames or just ignoring them and rewarding good comments instead will show them that they won't gain anything by doing what they are doing right now and they might try better.

There are many who don't speak english at all and may not have bigger influencers in their own language they can hope for some rewards from, but I've learned that even if they try with google translate and you can tell they actually read the content instead of just copy-pasting random spam - a reward on their comment will go a long way. I believe that languages and communities around that will improve a lot once Hivemind is released.

Anyway, what I wanted to get out is that, if you have a big following elsewhere, make sure to let them know you are posting on Steem and invite them over. If you are able to, you could even offer them free accounts through or which will only cost you 0.1 Steem and some delegation which you can take back later. This way they won't have to wait for long to create an account through Steemit, at least until the next hardfork where account creation will hopefully be faster.

Just like it has for me, I believe it will definitely be worth it in the long run to have your loyal followers onto Steem with you!


Exactly! There was probably a time where just being a known YouTuber would automatically get you votes, but the novelty wears off.

When people just paste their YouTube content over to here, I may toss them the occasional vote if I like them and just want to support them anyways and here's my chance, but I'd do it a lot more if they were actually using the platform.

If it's worth it to have your content up here, it should be worth it to interact and use the platform in a sincere way.

Cool article. There is so much about steemit that I don't really understand yet. For example, I just voted for you as a witness. But what exactly does that mean or accomplish? And maybe I should've asked before voting? Lol. Sometimes just taking some action is the best way to get moving, and understanding will follow, is my approach ;)

I don't actually have a witness myself. :)

My curation group does under @ocd-witness if you'd like to vote for it. (I get about 20% of its rewards, the rest is shared among other curators in the team)

You got it


Thank you! :)

Sure thing mahh man, keep it up! Will tune in next time you play Fortnite and maybe test myself against you :P


yes i want to like to vote it. How can i do it?

Remember that it requires your active key, though!

Any worry ? if i use my active key can it have possibility of hacking ?

I think that possibility is really tiny on, unless you have a keylogger or something else on your computer.

ohh okay thanks for your kind information.

I voted for you also...please check out and curate this post of mine , its a guide for new steemians , please curate me to encourage me write better contents...

If I'm not mistaken, you only get to 30 votes when it comes to witnesses so use them sparingly.

I am a huge proponent of commenting.

STEEM is a social media blockchain. Hence the word"social" is in there. On STEEM, commenting is one of the biggest ways we are being social with each other.

The spam comments get a bit annoying at times although I will say some of the recent things members are doing on here to alleviate that is terrific. The same goes for the scammers...@arcange is doing a terrific job in that area.

Authors who do not reward those who comment on them tend to not have people following for too long. I try to upvote most of the quality comments left in any of my posts. While it isnt a great amount of money, it adds up over time. I know of some who post a comment (quality) on every article I put up and receive an upvote from me each time. That is roughly .35 STU each day from me.

There are also times where I will have a "conversation" with someone in the comment section and 6-8 upvotes will be passed from each of us.

The advantages to commenting by both curators and authors cannot be overstated. I love seeing this article. It is crucial that people read it.

I select and choose who I follow sparingly.
@taskmaster4450 writes well and it is always informative and of high quality.
I'm happy your example is being followed and as a result we have more quality authors like @arcange and @acidyo.

We need more people like you in the Steemit community.
Keep up the great work.

There is a member on my group (teamsouthafrica) that has a solid following on Youtube that attempted just that. Bring that following onto the platform.

Unfortunately, those also have a fanbase already built there and laughed off Steemit as one big circle jerk.

Since they all primarily focus on the video aspect Dtube was their go to and the frustration of struggling to get the video's to upload combined with the minnow rewards they were receiving simply wasn't worth it, from their perspective.

@braaiboy, at least, has had the courage and determination to stick it out, posting some great content too.

Thanks for the kinds words @therneau ...

@acidyo, this is my 2 cents:
I tried doing exactly that... in fact I even went a little further... I have a group of influential (for South Africa anyway) YouTubers that I convinced to join Steemit. My reasoning: In my first few days/weeks, I quickly realised that nobody actually "discovers" new content on Steemit. Everyone that is anyone is already voting for their friends in exchange for return votes and it's near impossible to make a name for yourself with a 0.002 vote on offer in return.

Great! Fair Play! That is the game and I was cool with that (not entirely dissimilar from starting out on any other new platform)... and my own fault for getting to the party late...

Hence the decision to get these YouTubers onto Steemit: We could create our own new little "circle-jerk" party... I even created a bot that was going to upvote all these friends' posts... financed using fiat that I personally invested...great in theory. (but that turned South because STEEM took a dive literally a week after I invested, and the math no longer added up... a story for another day).

Anyway... the biggest resistance for all these YouTubers to join: Uploading content to @dtube and/or @dlive is "challenging" to say the least... Steemit has no native apps, mobile is a joke, and any 3rd party apps (while also far from user-friendly) take up to 25% of any rewards you might have wasted money on with bots for ANY sort of visibility. So wasting hours on a new post (because copy-paste from existing channels, just to "start a presence on Steemit" gets you flagged) that garners <10 views doesn't justify 'annoying' the following you have there (not to mention the damage done to real world relationships with the staff of FB & YouTube etc. that one might have managed to make a connection with).

In short: There's 0 incentive for creators to post content on Steemit (not even talking money... many creators don't make money from other platforms either), and even less for our audience to leave a comfortable/working platform and try consume content on Steemit (because even watching videos is a challenge, and all the 'regular blog posts' look like something from a '90s website... assuming the author even put effort in to making it look that good). I have a few cool (in my opinion) series ideas, that I wanted to make STEEM/DTube exclusive, but they cost time and money to make, so they will find their home on YouTube where, although ad revenue will be negligible, I can at least raise real world sponsor capital to fund them.

Something random, but on topic: this is a snap from a whatsapp chat earlier today:
Loosely translated: "Is it just me, or is DLive is a joke?"
THAT is the exact convo I've had with every other creator and sponsor I've spoken to so far.

So why am I persisting:

Well, I'm fortunate enough to be in a position where I have nothing better to do. I have the time on my hands that it takes to engage with the 5 people that actually watch my videos and read my posts, and so... I'm now literally running 3 additional accounts on behalf of a few very close friends (they create the content and I publish and promote it for them)... They might hopefully be worth something one day, and then we can all upvote each other (assuming STEEM becomes worth a lot more that it is currently).
If not... well... at least I met a few cool people (which is Steemit's ONLY saving grace so far: Truly great communities here and there in between all the junk & bickering). Oh yes... that, and I've had some fun learning to code again and have a lot of all-nighters creating bots / automated games. Something I thought I would never do again... and find myself quite enjoying as an alternative to going out and getting drunk every night... hmmm, just realised I spent far to long writing this comment that most likely will only be seen by the 2 people tagged in it. :P


No incentive (ignoring financial) for creators to post content, and it actually does harm to existing channel audiences if we try convince them to (attempt to) consume it on Steemit.

such as spammers writing short comments

I'm working on these comments and always suggest engaging with the post, but you make an excellent point that it's all about engagement both ways!

I wish curation was more valuable than bid bot delegation. That would fundamentally change the way things look around here and would probably encourage more accounts to bring followers from other platforms here.

My work does focus more on the negative 'stop' but clearly we need another positive focus around 'start' so users know how best to engage with Steem as a whole and foster our continued growth.

Oh, I thought you were a bot, have noticed you in the comments before. Thanks for your service! :)

Yeah, trying humanize my work a lot more! Thanks for your support!

Hello Sir, you always talk about the very important thing, especially if you are enjoying your gaming skill. You use awesome graphics cards and your graphics quality is very nice. I think if you start discussing other topics, then this community Members will benefit a lot because you are an important member for this community and Too important to the community every step spinner.

Sir, if you continue to present a number of cryptocurrency and other topics as well as games, they will really be very good direction for community members because there are so many who are not yet aware of cryptocurrency and other things.

If you talk about everyday and other issues, it is really important that the object will be beneficial for this community and much more than this community members.

I would pay a humble tribute to each of your activities.Please accept my sincere respect.

Thanks for the advice! I've been wanting to start posting about a lot more diverse topics but been quite busy with a few side-projects lately and enjoying streaming way too much! :)

Hopefully soon I can get back to more detailed crypto posts again like I used to with #alt-news (if you want to google those posts).

In the meantime, feel free to follow my @acidzapps account for diverse short crypto news I try to post every now and then!

Sir, you have given me a valuable time to reply to me, thank you so much.The way you want to take action is very important for this community because you are playing a very important role for the community here. Each of your steps is very valuable for the community.

I think that if you take the steps and start the above activities, then it will play a very important role for this community.I hope you start the activities soon.

Best Regards - xupon

The key differences here is that you yourself can reward your most loyal and good commenting fanbase and they can grow with you to support you in the future. It is not just ethics so that your posts don't look like graveyards with some rewards next to them, but it is beneficial for everyone.

This should be hung on a wall so that it would be the first thing a Steemian sees when he/she wakes up in the morning. Mutual support is key on this platform.

I think I can called this your post as "Steemit in a post"
Or the "Epistle of steemit"
Anyways, At times disapointment can also be a contributing factor to those seeking another way of earning.
Imagine a post, that you personally accorded respect, you know (maybe in your mind) that this is it but such post ends in an uninteresting way.

Steemit should find a way for providing the new steemians an head start, it helps.

Thanks for the post.

Some good points there bro, I see no reason why big influencers wouldn't want their fanbase on more platforms. It is just a way to increase your revenue even more potentially.

I see abuse of power as a big issue here. People who can earn enough just by upvoting their own post won't bother with content curation. If Steemit doesn't find a fix for this we can't expect to see a lot of people joining any time soon.

Sadly enough, I don't have the slightest clue what would fix this issue but I think it is important to point out the flaws.

I always interact with people on my posts (Only ignore bots).
I pray my exams to end and I would be able to post again. I have a couple of funny ideas lol.
I want to buy a car to my brother with steem money on birthday lol.

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