
in #intelligence7 years ago

A former colleague who worked with me recently transferred to my workplace because both are married men
He used to hang out or drink wine together, so he went to a nearby tea house to catch up.
I asked him, "what are you doing these days? He smiled and began to talk about his past.
More than a year ago he met a woman ten years his junior, who was at her during the Christmas holidays, 22, 23, 24 and 25
The apartment. Of course, four days in a row, the result of not going home, caused his own family to make an almost no? Call the police, say him again
I feel sorry for my primary school daughter. So on the night of the 25th, he was determined to go home, and the woman turned out to be
Cried imploring him not to leave.
The last two people had a fight, and he was desperate to leave her on the 11th floor.
"What a surprise... "He smiled again, and said," when I get out of the apartment, she's already on my own
...... "  
有个之前一起工作的前任工作伙伴最近转职到我的所属职场工作,因为彼此都是已婚男人 ,从以前就常一起出去游玩或喝酒谈天,于是便约他去附近的茶馆叙叙旧。 我问他:“最近在干嘛,在赚什么黑心钱啊?”他闻言笑了笑,开始畅谈他过去的经历。 大概在一年多前他邂逅了一名小他十岁的女子,在耶诞节假期他22、23、24、25都是在她 公寓家里度过的。当然连续4天不回家的结果,使得他自己家人闹到差点没??报警,再说他 也深觉得对不起自己的小学女儿。于是在25日的晚上七点他坚决要回家去,结果那女人却 哭叫着恳求他别走。

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