How to be smarter: 10 tips backed by science

in #intelligence8 years ago

Intelligence is not a monolithic capacity, it is a skill that changes over the years. In fact, when we are young we have a smooth intelligence and later  adulthood when we develop a crystallized intelligence, which relies heavily on the experience we have accumulated and training we have acquired. 

This means that intelligence can be developed. Although it has a genetic component in its development it also includes influences from the environment, a nurturing environment, we continually raise new challenges, therefore enhanced intelligence. Of course, our attitude also counts a lot: to solve a problem we must not only persevere but it is essential to remain open to different perspectives.

Science shows how to be smarter

If you are wondering how to be smarter, the first step is to expand the concept of intelligence. Intelligence is basically the ability to solve problems, which means that you can see in different areas of life and is not limited to science, as is commonly thought. An intelligent person is one who finds a good solution to an interpersonal conflict, which is able to understand why you feel bad emotionally or you can express a powerful message through the written word or images. 

1. Be open to new ideas

Intelligence often goes hand in hand with creativity. Therefore, to develop this capability it is essential that you stay open to new ideas, and the more you away from your conventional thinking, the better. This is confirmed by a study carried out at the London School of Economics and Political Science according to which conservative people had an average IQ of 95 while those who were listed as very liberal had an IQ of 106 points. Of course, it is not about political orientation, but of openness to experience. An open mind to novelty is a more active mind.

2. Learn another language

Learning is a stimulus for the brain and a kind of fertilizer for intelligence. In fact, a study conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center revealed that bilingual people have a greater volume of gray matter in the frontal and parietal lobes, areas of the brain involved in executive control. The gray matter is composed of cells that have no myelin whose function is to process information and facilitate reasoning, which has partnered with the intelligence and ability to solve problems. 

3. Read more

There are different types of reading, but not all are beneficial to stimulate intelligence. In fact, the contents "ligh" do nothing. However, the readings that promote reflection or even a good novel can provide many benefits. A study conducted at Emory University revealed that a good novel "massaged" neurons and their effects do not disappear when you close the book. In fact, deep reading activates different brain areas, not only those related to the processing of words but also the neural network by default, that is precisely what has been related to the great solutions and insight .

4. Meditate

Meditation is extremely beneficial for the brain. This practice not only promotes relaxation but also enhances attention and memory, plus help you become more intelligent. A study conducted at the University of California found that people who practiced meditation just one hour a week for 3 months showed significant improvement on cognitive tests, much more than those who underwent a brain training program. Neuroscientists also appreciated that people who meditated had improved communication between different brain areas, particularly those related to memory, attention and communication.

5. Change your habits

Habits save time, but they play against you if your goal is how to become more intelligent. Habits make the brain run on autopilot and strengthen the neural connections that already exist. However, to solve problems you need a little mental flexibility, and that is achieved by creating new connections. In fact, research carried out at the University of Sydney found that there is a relationship between neural plasticity and intelligence. To enhance neuronal plasticity is desirable to seek new stimuli. For example, you can change the path you always do to go to work, brush your teeth with the opposite hand or just try new flavors. The idea is that you defy yourself to find new ways of doing things. So expand your mind.

6. Assume the apprentice mentality 

If you want to be smarter, it is essential that you not close to any idea, however far-fetched it may seem. In fact, the most brilliant solutions have emerged precisely of uniting seemingly unrelated ideas. Therefore, it is essential that you do not assume the role of expert. In this regard, a study conducted at Cornell University revealed that when people are considered experts in a given subject, are more likely to have a closed mind in that area. This is because they think they can not learn anything else. However, this way only close to new discoveries and cooler prospects, which are precisely those that represent a challenge for intelligence.

7. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for your brain. In fact, recently , neuroscientists found that during sleep the brain gets rid of the waste products of metabolism. Therefore, lack of sleep ends up affecting memory, attention and thought. In fact, it has been appreciated that when a person spends a sleepless night, as if his brain desperately try to pump energy into the prefrontal cortex, in order to think. Moreover, a study conducted at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine-4 from Germany found that the brains of people who sleep little changes and these changes produce a cognitive instability. If that's not enough, sleep also helps you subtract emotional impact to problems, so that the next day you will have the clearest mind and makes it easier to find a solution.

8. Talk aloud

If you need to solve a problem, a good strategy is to talk aloud. Psychologists at the University of Illinois asked a group of people trying to motivate while solving some anagrams, some had to do in your mind and others aloud. People who spoke with themselves not only solved more anagrams but also more satisfied with their performance felt. This is because when the task is difficult, it is easier to find a solution if the thought is translated into words. That is the reason why children self-instructions are often given when they are doing homework or try to solve a problem. 

9. Start running

How to be smarter? Get out for a run! Neuroscientists at Harvard University made some people run for 30 minutes and undertake other stretching exercises. They found that running increases blood flow to the frontal lobes, which are not only involved in problem-solving and decision making but also help us to better control our emotions. That is the reason why running clears the mind . 

10. Rest well

Both mental stress and physical fatigue affect your ability to solve problems and find good solutions. In fact, research carried out at the University of Texas revealed that when a person is exhausted prefrontal cortex functions at half capacity because it significantly decreases blood flow to these areas of the brain. This means that you will feel obfuscated and will be more difficult to pay attention to things and make good decisions. Therefore, a good strategy to develop intelligence is to get enough rest, before reaching the point of being exhausted.



Thanks for reading :)


Meditation makes me peaceful inside which in turn makes me smarter outside

good for you @aasifaalamkhan, hope to read an article from you related to meditation too!

I haven't applied them all, but i like the points you mentioned here. Intelligence isn't just full your mind with knowledge but be able to act in interdisciplinary areas and feel happy specially.

Very good points! I was glad to discover that I some of them covered but my big problem is not sleeping well enough. Good natural solutions!
Thanks for sharing that. I love posts that focus on natural health solutions. UPVOTED!
I just wrote a post on a free easy option to help with our health problems. Please have a look if you like.

appreciate the insights @kus-knee, checking on you article now :)

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