Instagram Quest 2018: Three Tips to Handle Anxiety and Fatigue While Doing Instagram Marketing

in #instagram6 years ago

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Status Update: +3 Followers

Progress From Start: +66

Slow and Steady! I am seeing more consistent engagement in the last three days, another good development.

Instagram marketing is amazing and useful and accessible. The only problem is, it stresses a ton of people out.

You create your content, you work hard to engage with other brands and reach out to like-minded creators, you engage with the comments, you put in the work, you do the time. Then you face confusion, doubt, and rejection… with occasional moments of glory, seemingly random, impossible to predict.

This is a recipe for stress. All the more so if you are compulsively checking your posts for new likes and comments.

There are a few ways you can completely redefine your relationship to Instagram. This post offers three tricks that I use to keep it under control, without sacrificing any of my ability to hustle and crush it.

(1) Only Check Instagram 1-2 Times Per Day

This is simple and extraordinarily difficult for most social media addicts.

If you are posting 1-2 times per day on Instagram… only check the app when you post. That’s simple, right? You literally never open the app unless you are posting some content. Whenever you do that, you’ll have a minute to look at the data and respond to comments.

This is one way to treat Instagram more like a job and less like a casual hobby. You wouldn’t drive to work ten times a day to check on your assignments- why load up Instagram so often when you are off the clock?

(2) Don’t Have Fun on Instagram

I think the ways you can have fun on Instagram as a consumer are the opposite of the ways you can succeed as a creator.

It’s fun to scroll around, watch videos, and go down the rabbit holes. You end up ten hashtags deep on a quest to find cool guitar videos or origami lessons or travel blogs about Missouri, whatever your thing is that day. It’s all good.

It’s productive on the other hand, to scroll for 2 hours through a bunch of hashtags you find extremely boring, but which happen to match your data for your target demographic, and just leave comments. Genuinely engaging with posts you don’t actually care about and stuff like that.

Eventually you overcome all that and it becomes fun again, because you spend most of your time engaging with your huge fanbase that leaves zillions of comments on all of your posts. But early on, accept that it won’t be a lot of fun for most of the “grind” part.

(3) There is No Time to Think - Make Posts, You Dummy

Instagram does not reward you for sitting around and being a philosopher. Nobody gives one half of a fuck.

If you spend more than 30 minutes thinking about your next piece of content, you are probably overthinking it. Try not to be romantic about it, instead look at what works for other people and do your own version of it.

I’ve never seen a platform that rewards thinking LESS than Instagram. It’s not about thinking. As soon as you know your niche / theme, all you do is ask yourself: Whats the coolest thing I can make in the next [x] minutes? And then you immediately make that thing.

Try thinking less (and doing more) for a week with Instagram content and see what happens. This is not easy to quantify, but if you do it, I suspect you’ll see some cool stuff happen.

Final Thoughts

Anxiety on Instagram is normal. I’d be shocked if anybody doesn’t experience at least some stress when they start marketing on Instagram. It takes time to learn how to fit this stuff into your life.

With that said, your future as a content creator or musician depends on conquering this issue. There’s no way around this problem other than going directly through it. You sit with the stress, you feel it, you learn from it, and over the course of a few months you learn how eliminate the stress while maintaining the marketing campaign.

I hope that the three tactics from this guide will help. They’re my best advice based on my first month of serious Instagram work.

How do you manage social media related stress, on Instagram or Steem or anywhere?


I'm so bad with my instagram. I went through a phase where I posted my daily artwork ( I mean I do at least one drawing or doodle a day so I had stuff to post) but then I just got waylayed by not wanting to be ON it. I'd post and then I'd leave. I'd come back and see older posts had comments and questions and such that I never responded too, mostly because I really hate it as a platform. It doesn't pull me in. I still post occasianly though I think it's been over a week since my last post there, but I should return to it I suppose. It's hard as once I found steemit it's like it just made every other platform feel so much more like work :)

and such that I never responded too, mostly because I really hate it as a platform. It doesn't pull me in

I mean do you hate it? Or is it just not a lot of fun? I'd agree that Instagram is work, but I dont get the hate.

That's cool that you did daily artwork for a while, were you noticing more followers/comments/anything?

I seem to get stuck at around 670 or so. Meh. I don't really hate it, just I do a LOT of things in each of my days and it kept getting pushed down the list. However, I do plan to return to it daily when I get my site finished. Between my daily art, working on larger pieces of art daily, sketching also managing two rental cottages for summer and my love of gardening, it just hasn't fit in. I'm not stressed though, I'll get to it when it's right and I will post daily. IT was mostly the responding to people. A couple places asked if they could share my art in some site/thingy and I said yes and then they sent me info to get it to them and I sort of dropped the ball on it, bad I know. But, I never think, "Oh I wonder what's on instagram today I can't wait to check it out" You know what I mean?

I know what you mean! Instagram is annoying for checking stuff out, in my opinion too. I only like it for marketing purposes, same with Facebook these days. Twitter is a little better.

That's cool that you are staying so busy! It is understandable that you have a hard time fitting anything extra in your schedule with all of that to keep up with

I like how you are laying out a recipe for success and you’ve got some good ideas on how to successfully build an instagram brand. I think you are missing a few things is this assessment but you do have some good points. Not sure if you’ve covered it in different posts or not, but I think the biggest thing for success is finding your niche and posting quality content. Use hashtags to gain viewers and make your posts look as professional as possible. I built an account from scratch and built it up to about 6k followers in 60 days before I flipped it for profit. Don’t get me wrong, you make some great points, you just haven’t covered everything

What's your niche? Thats a lot of followers in a very short time span!

The account I built up was koreaneats. Go check out that user if it’s still active. It was basically a korean food niche. Built it from scratch, got korean restaurants to give me free appetizers/samples when I highlighted their food and designed a logo and an accompanying Facebook page.
Sold it for just over $1000 USD about a year and a half ago, which looking back, I probably could have put in another 60 days I could’ve made much more.
You can see even my personal page does well, 3000 followers or so and I’m not very active right now.

I will check it out. Good idea you gad there. You shouldve held out!

Hey Jason I'm confused mate why do you think I would cover everything? This is not a comprehensive guide to Instagram, it's a single blog post about reducing anxiety as a marketer

No problem, I meant no disrespect, I just thought you could have identified more ways to lower stress with insta. Not trying to detract from your post, just saying you should add more. I still hit that upvote for ya

I don't use insta yet, but good advice. I note yr using yr 'acessories' to jazz up yr posts. Works well!

Define 'acessories'? not sure what u mean

edit: your early retirement xtreme could go over well over on insta.

I mean the handrawn cartoons.

Insta's next on my list for marketing. I use a lot of mind maps on my main blog which gets 30K hits a day, so posssibly I could put thoseon insta too. More traffic the merrier!

Oh yea that is sick! I forget how much traffic you get man, you really need to be teaching me haha. If you already make a lot of content, its a great idea to repurpose it for Insta. I'm happy to strategize with you if you want to work out some kind of entry level Insta strategy, PM me if you want mate

Cheers, I may well do. I think gaining traffic is mostly about using slugs and tags effectively, and google search trends and actually naming ur images corrextly too.

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