How does Instagram work for businesses?

in #instagram3 years ago

Instagram for Business. Instagram continues to bet on the entry of companies on its platform so that they can advertise their content to the huge mass of users it has. Since a few months ago, companies have been able to create a company profile and manage it easily, but if you still don't know how it works, we'll explain it to you here!

How do I activate my company profile?
Possibly your company is already on Instagram with a normal profile, the only one there was until recently. Follow these steps:

Go to your settings.
Select "Switch to Business Profile" or "Switch to Business Profile".
Link it to your Facebook Fan Page.
Fill in your details and you're done.
Benefits of a business profile on Instagram
Just like on Facebook, the business profile is adapted and has functionalities that you can make the most of.

From your Instagram you can share your content directly on your Facebook Fan Page.
Contact button in your biography.
You will be able to indicate what kind of business you have in your profile.
Add your postal address so that your users can physically come to your business.
Analyse your activity thanks to your account metrics.
Promote your most outstanding publications with advertising to reach a wider audience and improve your results.
How to create ads through content
This option is as simple as it is powerful. You have a "Promote" button on every post you publish. After this, the image will resize to square size and ask you for the action you want: visit/call your business or visit the website. You then select the audience, budget and duration of the ad, following the Facebook model.

Once you've validated everything you've asked for, the ad will start running. And you can measure the performance of your ad through the ad manager and track your overall analytics.

Instagram analytics for business
The analytics section represents one of the biggest advances for businesses. For each content, you will find three metrics that are common on other platforms: a) Impressions: the number of times your content has appeared to other users; b) Reach: the number of unique users who saw your post; c) Engagement: the number of comments and likes your post has received from users.

In addition, in the statistics overview you can find many other metrics such as impressions per week, featured posts, weekly reach, number of clicks to the website, demographics of followers and their most active moments. A wealth of information that companies can use strategically to continue growing in the digital market.

Don't wait any longer and join Instagram for businesses to enjoy all the advantages. And if social networks are not your thing, at Mediaclick we are at the service of brands that want to expand their activity in the digital world. Find out more without obligation.

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