10 issues that will keep in mind to take decision!

in #inspiration6 years ago


Has it ever been that you have made a decision, then it seems that the decision was not taken? You can not understand whether to change that decision again? Are you getting frustrated inside for this? If it is, then you have to understand that your decision was in the beginning of the decision.

One of the most difficult and important tasks in human life is to decide on any subject. Just as a good decision can change your life, just as a wrong decision is enough to justify your life. So every decision of life will be taken very consciously, for which you have to take care of 10 things.

1. What do you want

I have a known BBA student who came to the middle of his BBA career and realized that BBA is not actually for him. He was always interested in psychology, but because of being a business education department student, he had a mentality that he would have to build a career in business education. Higher education should also be taken on this. The best places to read. The shadow of such a great goal should be as if it had covered itself.

On the other hand, he forgot to ask himself what he wanted for himself. The result? And he is reading good things in many good institutions, but can not be satisfied with anything. Some decisions are taken for our lifetime. So a temporary desire may never affect your decision-making. Ask yourself before setting a goal, do you like that? Would you like to live forever? In the future? Then decide with your answer given to yourself.

2. The advice of others

Advice is the only good thing in the world that any person is willing to give free of cost. Not that the advice will always work. But, taking advice is never a loss. Many people feel the need to accept their own weakness, which is not right. The advice is not to blame, it can be taken from anyone. Maybe a man is less educated than you, but in many cases maybe his knowledge is much more than you.

The more opinions you get, the easier it is to make your decision. But keep in mind that there is a proverb in Bangla, "Break the banana in more monks". It is advisable to take advice, but be careful that everyone's advice does not influence your decision or your decision is based solely on the advice of others. While admitting my friend to a university, all his relatives advised to read one subject, but he was admitted to another subject based solely on his own wish. Now he is very happy about this matter, which he could never have heard of his relatives.

3. Why are you doing

A simple example. You are married Ask yourself, why are you? Do you really want to get married? Do you want to stay with the person you are marrying or you want to see others? Or the pressure of the family? Likewise, if you want to make a career in the corporation, ask yourself, do you want to be a successful corporate leader or do you want the six-figure salary at the end of the month? You can understand the answers to these questions, whether you are actually taking the right decision.

4. Convenience Disadvantages

All the decisions have some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of that facility are to be measured. If the scope of the advantages is heavy, the decision should be taken, the opposite of the difficulty of its inconvenience. Take the example of corporate, think you want to be a successful corporate leader. By doing this, you will earn a lot of money, your reputation will increase and you will get acquainted with many high school skills.

But, on the other hand, you will have to pay a lot of labor and you will be given less time to your family. Now if you have time to give time to your family, then accepting the decision is not right for you.

5. Taking decision is not hurting yourself or anyone else?

Often, we are so excited when making a decision that we forget the fact that every decision we make affects the people and ourselves related to us. For example, if you have a large job, you will earn a lot of money but you may not have the time to do anything with that money. Your family will get your money but you will not get it.

But yes, many of your decisions will hurt you or someone else in the near future, but in the far future it may well be for everyone. But unnecessary should never make any decisions with any difficulty.

6. See the results of the decision, open colorful glasses.

Writing about the decision, a writer wrote, "I decided that I would go to a remote village with my wife. Two people will be in a hut in a deserted village, away from the city. Though it sounds pretty nice to hear, when I thought of opening my colorful glasses, I saw that the village was colder during the winter. There will be many difficulties in this movement. But there is a fireplace inside the hut, which means there is no heating system there. "It is certainly good to be hopeful, but hopefully you will not be able to defeat the realist in the war.

7. Is your decision fitting with your future plan?

Suppose, you want to be the editor of the newspaper, but at the time of admission in the university, he decided to fill in any other than journalism. Do you think that your decision fits your future plan? You want to take higher education in the outsourced country, but decided to start a small business in this country. Is it fitting? In such a situation, decide whether you are going with your long-term plan.


8. Not the best, the utility

At the time of admission in the university, most of the people who make mistakes when we are selecting the subject, is that we all want to read the best. We do not see any thing that will be useful to us, we have a skill on what matters.

We often make this mistake during decision making. It would be best to accept a decision for us, rather than what we prefer, which decision will be best. Which is not right at all. Always choose the best for yourself, it may not always be the best

9. There is no shortage of decision making.

The better the decision will be, the better. In order to make a hasty decision, many logical thinking goes out of the head and then the influence of opinions of others on your own will affect your decision more. The result of a decision never ends quickly, so the decision should not be taken in a hurry. If you take a decision late, you will get a lot more damage than you would have lost, if you make a wrong decision in hurry.

10. Keep away from fear.

More and more people are afraid of decision making, which have no basis. Rather, because of this fear we often do not make very good decisions, but sometimes we keep track of the difficulties more than feared due to fear.

Whatever is small, all the decisions have a lot of impact on our lives. Therefore, no compromise should ever be made to decide. If you think that the decision is not correct at all, then ask yourself questions about the activities you are currently doing. If you knew what you know now before starting the work, then what did you do? It can be anything. Higher education, jobs, relationships ... Anything. If you do not answer your question, you should leave that work as soon as possible.

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