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in #inspiration7 years ago

why inspire?
The answer is purely psychological.

According to Psychology Today, by the time a child reaches the age of 18, the concept of "No, you can't!" has been reinforced 187,000 times, whereas the concept of "Yes, you can!" has been reinforced only about 25 - 30 times.

With this in mind, is it any wonder why so many people grow up to be failures... or less than successful? Today's society 'programs' us this way. We simply do not "believe" we can win.

Personally, I was fortunate. While growing up, my parents, teachers and classmates gave me tons of inspiration and encouragement... to pursue my creative abilities in both music and art (I was certainly no great athlete). My bride taught in public schools for over three decades, allowing my skills and knowledge to develop. Although we are by no means financially independent, by working at home and being available to our three children, I feel extremely successful in my quality of life.

I have always believed "true living" is waking each day to work at what you love to do more than anything else in the world. But, most people become "programmed," starting from early childhood, to do the conservative thing... work hard and make a living (whether you like doing the work or not)... perhaps at the expense of life.

In order to be truly successful financially, emotionally and spiritually, you've got to be passionate about what you are doing. Talent is a gift, but it must first be discovered, then nurtured and developed. Once this passion grows into a highly trained skill, you become an extremely knowledgeable, a highly sought and highly paid specialist.

"The more wisdom we know, the more we may earn. Those who seek to learn more of their craft shall be richly rewarded." -- George S. Clason - The Richest Man In Babylon

To identify your talent(s), you must first search for your major interests. When you find something you truly love doing, study and training seems effortless. Soon, you create a mindset, a burning desire to learn and improve every day, to be better than most, if not the absolute best in your field. This is difficult to do if you are working in a field, or a job, you can hardly stand one more day.

For generations, it has been proven world wide. The small percentage of people, who worked and studied extremely hard to learn their craft and become successful, were motivated by someone (parent, teacher, coach, etc., usually at an early age) to learn and grow every day. They were encouraged to read inspirational books, to practice positive affirmations, to set goals and formulate plans to achieve them, and to remind themselves to never get discouraged.

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.” -- Albert Schweitzer

The majority of people all over the world are never given that spark of mental energy to ultimately create a self-starting mindset to succeed. Instead, they are only reminded to "just do your JOB" (and remain living Just Over Broke).

Don Shula, the NFL Hall of Fame player and former Head Coach of the Miami Dolphins, LIVED his quote; "Strive for perfection; settle for excellence." As a youngster living near Miami, I was amazed at how quickly he took a new expansion franchise from underachieving losers to undefeated Super Bowl Champions. Having learned this quote a few years ago, I now know why.

I honestly believe people crave and need inspiration as naturally as they do food and sex. It's time for all of us to do whatever we can to encourage those we care about to pursue their dreams and life's ambitions. Even today, all over the Internet, fellow Webmasters are proudly sharing their favorite quotes at their sites. Perhaps the very same inspiring words that motivated them to achieve their goals. That, my friends, is the mission of Inspire21.com.

At no charge, Inspire21 offers a vast collection of famous quotes - all of which have stood the test of time - as well as Bible verses (the most inspiring words throughout history) - designed with contemporary calligraphy and stimulating, colorful photography. As an artistic alternative to lighter cartoon postcards, visitors to Inspire21 can select uplifting, positive, thought-provoking, attitude-adjusting messages and email them to their friends and family members.

One day, I coined a phrase for my children... "Communication is the key to love, peace and harmony"... so they would understand why they shouldn't leave their parents to second-guess them, presume their plans or anticipate their schedules. Today, I firmly believe that many marriages could be saved and made stronger, more children would behave better and, perhaps, even conflicts between countries could be avoided if they maintained more positve and open communications.

Now, with digital info and graphics on the web, and utilizing free email, there has never been an easier or cheaper way to stay in touch with the people we care about. Inspire21's objective is to promote unlimited, unencumbered, uplifting communications, by providing these inspiring eCards and stories on the Internet for all to see and send... freely.

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