Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Life Missions

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

The Love, soul-to-soul communication, not wanting to come back to this world, the beautiful colours, the purpose in coming back etc. are characteristics that many people with Near Death Experiences (NDEs) share. The sense of being in this world and also in another is something else that is also familiar to me. There is so much more... I was a very young child or baby when I had this experience... I don't know how, why or when but the vision, communications with others within and everything else that was in contrast to this world stuck with me and haunted me since childhood.

This event/vision, precognitive dreams and so on prove to me that humans are far more than their bodies and minds. This life is a sort of "building up" level and we're here for a reason; in order to know what the reason is, we need to hear what God is saying to us and follow His directions.

If we've met and have been close friends then we definitely know each other on/from some other dimension. We might be working together in the future, perhaps not in this life but maybe later. This is something I've had in common with all of my close authentic friends. We can only relate when we're coming from a place of spirit... otherwise what keeps the connection alive naturally ends. Having that sense of familiarity also comes from having a shared mission... something I believe most of my friends intuitively feel. The fact is, for most of our life, that mission has come from our soul/body/mind rather than our soul/spirit AND God/Holy Spirit/Jesus. I only reconnected with Jesus last year so I'm still new to this mission, despite all my efforts in helping others. Only with God are our efforts fruitful in God's eyes.

I have a sense that one day we will all meet Jesus together :)


Pic: I've made only one impression of my experience.. perhaps I should make more?
NMenezes - heavenly-realm.jpg

I use only my own stuff on this account, unless noted otherwise.


Near Death Experiences are typically demonic deceptions. Unsaved people have visions of going to Heaven and are deceived.

I've wondered about that myself. No doubt there are many that are deceptions and perhaps mine was too. I was too young to even have the language to tell anyone about this or know to test the situation.

These questions came up for me as I read your comment:
Would you classify babies and children as unsaved?
Do you think saved people are immune to deception?
Are you saying all the "unsaved" people who had visions/experiences (of heaven or something else) in the Bible were deceived?

I think it's wise to also look at the fruits of something before judging where it comes from.

My article is a nod to the fact that we are not just bodies and minds. I believe only God can allow certain things to have happened in my life so we must be careful about not giving the demonic world undue credit and saying things comes from the fallen spiritual realm them rather than being a gift from God. Discernment is very important when looking at this kind of stuff and I do appreciate your making others aware with your comment which I failed to do in my article :) Thank you.

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