in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

Losing father in early age is harrowing news for any kids ,majority of the kids gets into deep sorrow but some rise above it because they do not have any option especially when whole burden of family comes down on small shoulders.


An 18 year old ragpicker Bilal dar, lives in Laharwarpora of Bandipora district from Kashmir,India earn his livelihood by picking garbage from wular lake.
Billal says he started working as ragpicker from the age of 9 years after his father death due to cancer, her mother was not able to pay home expenses and school fees .due to financial crisis and burden of two sisters and mother he start doing small jobs like washing cars in garage , helper in hotel but this job was no last long because his boos was warned by his clients that they will complain for child labor.


One day he visited wular lake with his friend he noticed that lots of plastic bags and used bottles in the lake so he picked them ans sell it in marker for around 200-250 INR ,so from that day this was his new job collecting trashes like plastic bags,used bottles,shoes etc and sell it for INR around 150-200 per day.
As per media report DAR has collected 12000 kg trash annually from wular lake.
He is appointed as brand ambassador by MNC Commissioner Shafqat Khan,given him a wheecle and an uniform so that can visit local citizens in his district to create awareness for cleanliness and garbage disposal methods


Commissioner says -"I appointed him as brand ambassador because he will work as role model educate and motivate the tourist and local citizens about garbage disposal mechanism.

Like Billal there are millions of kids in the world who do small jobs to earn livelihood for their families, according to U.N.I.C.E.F more then 150 million childrens all over world are engaged in child labour.


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