HESITATION (The master of failure

in #inspiration6 years ago


“Between the acting of a dreadful thing…”

Between the moment when you are waiting to do something that
you don’t want to do …
“And the first motion…”
and the moment when you initiate the action …

“All the interim…”
The whole time you are waiting to take that action …
“Is like a phantasma or a hideous dream…” is like an evil
spectre, an apparition—a nightmare.

So the battle, the struggle—the hesitation—takes place in
that moment.

That moment, when we must step into the unknown—that moment
filled with fear and horror.
And that fear is what causes hesitation—and hesitation
causes defeat.

Hesitation allows the moment to pass, the opportunity to be
lost, the enemy to get the upper hand. Hesitation turns into cowardice . It stops us from moving forward, from taking
initiative, from executing what we know we must.
Hesitation defeats us. So we must defeat it.

To win, all you have to do is overcome that moment:

The waiting. The Hesitation. And to do that, all you have to do
Take the action.
Get out of bed.
Get your feet on the ground.
Step forward.
Do not hesitate.
Do not wait.
Go forward: And win.

Finally: if you can say the word “good,” then guess what?
It means you’re still alive.
It means you’re still breathing.
And if you’re still breathing, that means you’ve still got
some fight left in you.
So get up, dust off,
reload, recalibrate, re-engage—
and go out to defeat HESITATION and succeed



Thanks for sharing....

nice dear....keep it up

Thanks for encouraging

Its inspirational. If we are hesitant we will never succeed in life. But there are times that we need to be a hesitant because if we always go without thinking, evaluating and balance, there is a tendency that our future may jeopardize.

Yes. That's true

@lorenzo1420 thanks for sharing, this just kick started my day. Hesitation i think is the brother to procastination which is the thief of time.
Let me go and inspire somebody with your lovely write up

Your comment complete the whole post. Thanks

Thanks for the great and inspirational information.

Thanks. And do visit my blog again

Well said dear
Sometimes in life,we see ourselves in a haste in things we cant control but the end product is always failure

very inspirational post

Thanks for visiting my blog

To hesitate is to doubt oneself. To hesitate is to miss an opportunity to do it earleir. Procrasrination has never been a virtue.

That's true. Hope to see you next time

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