Worries Don't Solve Problems

Every man born of a woman has a problem he or she is passing through. Life is never fair to everyone at the same time and this life's unfairness tends to generate questions in the heart that results to worries and anxieties.

This questions cuts across many spheres of our lives and we tend to be worried as to why others are doing well but we are being frustrated by life's trouble despite doing all to succeed. We work hard but the results does not reflects one's hard work and this also brings about worries. We are worried about the future and what tomorrow will bring our way. It's natural to be worried but worries don't solve life's problems.

As a young man who has being through some tough and challenging times in life, I came to discover that being worried does not provide solutions. Being worried over the pains we are going through does not provide solutions to the problems at hand but rather compounds the problems. Being worried affects the health of a person and keeps the mind away from seeing solutions but rather it will be seeing only impossibilities.

  • Antidotes To Worries

  • Tell your mind frequently that worries does not solve problems
  • Be grateful to God and contented with what you have
  • When you have done your best, leave the rest to God in prayers
  • Think of past happy moments of your life
  • Read books about great people of old who went through pains but still became successful
  • Don't pity yourself too much about the condition of your life and don't allow others to put you in a state of pity
  • Laugh over the sad situations
  • Relate with cheerful people
  • Don't keep your pains to yourself, let it out to trusted friends

So put away worries, don't kill yourself over what you can't solve after you must have done your best and even prayed. Stay away from worries because it adds no value to your life.

Thank You


Very good and sound advice...as usual @inspiredgideon1

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