When Last Did You Help Someone?

Man was never created to survive alone. One way or other other we will need the help of others and others will also need our help. If you look critically, where you are today in life and achievement is not only your effort but the contribution of others also added up to whom you are today.

The big question that now arises in my mind to ask is Who have you ever helped in life and when was the last time you helped someone? Yes when last did you make someone to smile because you lifted up a burden from their head. When last did you show concern to that needy person who has nothing to eat while you have more than enough to eat and to even spare.

When last did you visit the orphanage to show those little children love and care seeing that it wasn't their intention to be orphans but because life's unfair treatment got to them at a very early stage. They need that help so dearly.
I could remember some months back when I visited an orphanage with some friends. We took something very little to them but our presence there meant so much to them. Their happiness was clearly written on their faces that I lost the ability to pity them for being orphans but rather joined them in being happy and cheerful for life.

I have being a recipient of the help from others especially financially. When all hope was lost, friends and strangers came to my aid and that is why I try to help people whenever I can because I don't know which help will be a live time investment for me.

You may say that some people don't deserved to be helped but this is what I always tell myself.

Help people based on who you are and posses and not based on who they are

Ensure you help someone today either in cash or kind.

Thank you


To be honest...I forgot.

Actually, in many ways, a very simple thing can already be helping someone. Like smiling to a stranger on the road, who knows if you made his day better just by doing so.


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