Want To Be Successful, Start With Positive Thinking (Practical Steps)

in #inspiration6 years ago


The "idea of positive thinking" is a popular concept, though there are times when we decide its just a phrase and we pass. What you should know about is the fact that the physical and mental benefits of Positive Thinking have been proven by many scientific studies. It helps to reduce stress, it gives you confidence, improves your mood and sometimes it reduces the chance of developing conditions like High B.P, depression and other stress-related disorders
Yea, the whole idea sounds great right, but what exactly is Positive thinking.
You can define it as having a positive sense of view, it's seeing the good in everything bad, it's being optimistic always, but all these are still general concepts.
If you want to be effective in thinking and also become sound mentally, gradually follow these steps, and notice how things change for the better.

•Begin Every Day With Positive Assertion
How you start your day matters a lot, it sets a standard for the rest of the day, there are times when we wake up late, panicked and we rush into the day, then it feels like nothing good happened the rest of the day, even if it does, we feel like its a miracle or a lucky day. This happens at times probably because you started the day with a pessimistic point of view. IT IS WRONG. Instead of letting that view cloud you and your thoughts, start with positive affirmations, talk to yourself with statements like "Today is going to be great" or "I'm going to be awesome today" whisper in front of the mirror or scream in the bathroom. You'd be surprised by how much your day improves.


•Concentrate On The Good Things, No Matter How Small It May Be.
It's almost inevitable, things aren't going to always pan out in your favour, there's no such thing as a perfect day, but it's your choice in determining how it plays out. When you encounter such demoralizing issues, focus on the benefits, no matter how little or unimportant they might seem. Do not spend time moping in that situation, for example, you're caught in traffic, it's a helpless situation, rather than sulking, think about the surroundings, observe the beautiful people or things. You Determine Your Day.


•Create Humor😁 In Bad Situations.
Make yourself experience humor even in the most horrible situations, remind yourself that the situation might actually just be a laughable story later on, try to crack a joke about it. Say you just got laid off, try thinking about the next ridiculous job you could get, Slides tester or a horrible art job lol.

•Transform Failures Into Lessons
No one is perfect, like I said earlier, it is almost inevitable for things to go the wrong way, you're going to make mistakes, experience failures in multiple contexts, multiple jobs and with different people. How you move on matters a lot, instead of focusing on those failures, think on what you're going to do the next time something like that happens, turn your failure into a lesson.


•Turn Negative self-talk into Positive self-talk.
Negative self-talk can come up so easily and it's often very difficult to miss. If you keep laying on negative thoughts, they can turn into feelings and soon change how you view yourself. Replace Negative thoughts with positive ones like "I shouldn't have attempted this" should be "This didn't go as planned, maybe next time" or "This doesn't suit me" should be "With more practice, I'll be better at this".

•Surround Yourself With Positive People, Friends, Mentors or Co-workers.
When you surround yourself with positive minded people, you'll hear positive stories, learn new positive affirmations and gradually Your Own line of thinking would take a change, their positive words and beliefs will sink into your thoughts and as a result affect your words too. Eliminate that negativity in your life, do as much as you can to improve the positivity of others, and let it affect you also.
Positive thinking offers compounding results, so the more often you practice it and use these steps, the greater benefits you'll realize.




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