Curiosity: Hairspray on the Creative FlamesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #inspiration7 years ago

Curiosity might've killed the cat, but it will not kill you

(*assuming you've got a bit of common sense..)


Seek & Search!

With internet in our palm, pocket, office, and home - we have answers on tap. Information is infinitely abundant and if we can ask questions, we can get answers. There is no reason to wonder how large the Grand Canyon is - we can find out in a single search query, right now. 

The "Grand Canyon" Length 277 river miles/ 433km Width Minimum (Marble Canyon)
600 feet/ 180 meters Average Rim to Rim
10 miles/ 16km Maximum Rim to Rim
18 miles/ 28.8km Average Depth 1 mile/ 1.6km Rim Elevations South Rim 7,000 feet/ 2100m
North Rim 8,000 feet/ 2400m
Lake Mead Boundary 1,200 feet/ 360m 
Volume Cubic Yards 5.45 trillion
Cubic Meters 4.17 trillion

See For Yourself - It Took Me Seconds to Find This Info

We all have questions. Lucky for us, most questions can be answered much easier & faster than ever. There is a collective global network that is the internet. The internet is a personal oracle for those who choose to utilize its power.


Curiosity Creates Opportunity 

Make predictions, inquire, discover. No matter how young or old you might be (or feel), we all have had wonders at some time or another. From the time we are born and begin to experience the world, in our own unique way, we begin to wonder. We wonder about shapes, colors, people, places, time, words, feelings, and spaces. Don't wonder too long about one thing - discover your wonders and new ones will follow. We all can learn a thing or two from Curious George, who's always getting into mischief and always very curious! Curiosity creates opportunity.

Questioning is the Hairspray on the Creative Flame 

Always question everything. Maybe not aloud, but think. "Think for yourself, Question Authority" as Timothy Leary put it. He said it so clearly and in such a remarkable way that the words ring in my head as if it were a song. In fact, it might be because one of my favorite bands, Tool, included it in one of their album tracks. These words have been my guiding light for almost half of my life: Do not just question authority, question EVERYTHING. Be curious, it is our nature to do so.

"Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities -- the political, the religious, the educational authorities --- who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing -- forming in our minds -- their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself." Timothy Leary

A Peek Into My Vault 

You might be able to gain a deeper perspective into my writings here by understanding what sort of experiences and information I am drawing from. We all have a "bank" of data in our brain that we reference from. What you deposit is what you may withdraw, with one exception: the connections our brains are able to make can generate brand new content (e.g. ideas, realizations, relativity, etc). 

We are all capable of playing the most complicated game of 'connect the dots' in our mind and it can harvest some really incredible stuff. Be curious of the world around you. If that doesn't suffice - get a telescope and be curious about what's in our galaxy. After that, you can wonder what's in the next universe over. 

Stay curious my friends.

Here's another post that inspired me, by a user @flexifriday - How to Feel Productive When You Feel Utterly Uninspired


His post was well done, but I had to question the perfection comment. I seek to solve problems and improve things. Myself is included. If we simply accept who we are and the world around us as it is, very little improvement will occur.

I work almost every day without exception to improve myself. I make task lists, post-it note reminders, and do work over and over to develop good habits. People who do not do those things will often struggle needlessly.

This is one good reason to include time to clear your mind and reflect. People meditate, take a walk, etc. We cannot stay busy the entire day either. We need time to think and be creative like you suggest.

Self-discipline is certainly not one of my strengths, but it is something I work on; sometimes without great progress. But, I try to force myself to be vulnerable, uncomfortable, and try to push myself to do more than I think I can. At times it can completely drain us, so it really is important to set aside time to reflect and think.

Overloading ourselves with tasks can almost be as detrimental to our progress as doing the bare minimum - in my opinion.

Thanks @finnian you're the man, but you already know.. 😎🤘🏻

Oh, I'm terrible at self-discipline too though! The tasks on my calendar help. They don't even get those daily things always done either. I think I have 9 daily tasks on the list, and I may get 6 a day done. My target is rarely ever fully reached, but having the reminders helps me get more done than I would without them. haha

Yea, sounds a lot like me. Before becoming Daddy Daycare 2.0 that is..
I'm at about 33% completion rate..😂 But it's all about the applied effort, right?! I'm always curious how I even manage to get what little I do get done completed some days. I am a list and note maker myself. I couldn't remember half the shit I do without reminding myself..haha

Wow, we are on the same page in a lot of ways! Life is getting in the way of my completion rate, and lists are the only reason I get anything done. I think we're gonna get along like Yeti and Sasquatch.

Timely post, you have a new follower.

Awesome, thanks for dropping by @olyup! Haha I think that's the best graphic I've seen on Steemit comments yet!! I am sure we'll get along famously - Yeti & Sasquatch famous 😋. Thanks for the laugh, timely & much needed today.

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