in #inspiration6 years ago

Faith is the stepping stone to our salvation. While hope gives us the strength to be patient. Then love is the express way to the kingdom of heaven

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Faith is the key to everything, when you have faith you can conquer all obstacles. Faith gives us the hope to carry on, when you have faith, it gives us confidence that no matter the delay and and obstacles in life, we will climb a greater height to where our equals have not attain.

Three things are very important in our lives: Faith, Hope and Love. These are the three things that can keep us going when we are down.

God wants us to have faith in Him. God wants us to have hope in Him, He wants us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

Faith is the first step to salvation. Hope is the second that will keep our mind fit, but love is the path way to heaven. If you don't have these three things, you miss it all. Among these three, one is hard to get, while the two are easy to get. These two are common: Faith and hope, but love is very difficult to get. Most of us claim to have love, but we don't have love because live is deeper than we think.

Hebrews 11:1-3

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us the assurance about things we can not see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earn a good reputation. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen."

No one has ever seen God yet we have faith that God exist. No one knows how the world was formed, but by faith we believed that God is our Creator. We go to church and listen to the word of God, we don't see God but we only see the pastor. By faith we have not seen God but we believe that the offerings we give are God's money. We were not there when Jesus was born, but by faith we believe that He is the Son of God and we believe in His existence. We call on the name of the Angels, but no one has ever seen them but we believe that they exist.
By faith we preach the good news about the kingdom of heaven but we have not seen it with our physical eyes.
By faith we believe that we are the seed of Abraham, by faith we believe that Moses parted the red sea into two. Through faith we gather in the church dancing and singing praises to God, but no one has ever seen this God. So without faith it is impossible to please God. They that come to Him must believe in His existence.
Faith is the first step to salvation.

Jesus said in John14:1

"Do not let your heart be troubled, trust in God and trust also in me, there is more than enough room in my father's home. If this were not so, would i have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?. When everything is ready I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am"

So through faith we believe that Jesus is coming to take us to Paradise. He said: have faith in the Father and also have faith in me". It is said in Hebrew faith is the confidence that what we hoped for will actually happen ".


Hope is the strength of faith. His disciples asked Jesus " Now that we have left everything and followed you, what would be our reward?". Jesus promised them blessings on earth and blessings in heaven. This gave them the assurance that they have hope from that day, they trusted in Jesus.

Our faith gives us the hope that there is life after death. We work as salary earners, what gave us the strength to carry on, we have the hope that at the end on the month we would receive our wages. Everything about this earth is base on hope. Hope is a strong force that gives us the strength to carry on. Our children cried to us for hunger, hoping that when they come we would be able to get them what they needed. Hope is the key to our Christian life because in all our effort we hope to make heaven.
Like I said, hope and faith is common to man, but love is hard to find because even the juju man have faith in his deity.

Even as humans, we have faith in ourselves that's why when we fail we still have the hope that we will stand again.

The children of Israel turned their back against God and placed their hope on a carving image prepared by Aaron. The heart of a man is so fragile that if you don't guide it well, it might lead you to any direction it wants to. This is why we have people with their different believes and hopes. Hence, your believe and hope is easier to get than love.

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Love is so powerful. When you have love, you will learn to live in peace with all. It is stated that love is the greatest command of all. As Christians, we claim to have love, we demonstrate love to our loved ones and to people that pleases us, but when they turn their backs on us, we turn our backs as well to show them hatred.
The love we claim to demonstrate, is not the genuine kind of love that God wants us to show.

MTT 5:43-48

"You have heard the Lord that says: Love your neighbor and hate your enemies, but I say, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. In that way you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For He gives His sun light to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collector do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?. Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect even as tour Father in heaven is perfect"

As Christians, God wants us to be perfect because He is the God of love, and His love is without repentance. So if we as Christians demostrate the love of God on the lives of our neighbors, without discretion we will become the children of light.
The love that God lavished on us through Jesus is incomparable. John 3:16. This is why real love is difficult to demonstrate.


A pastor was attacked by a friend, he didn't fight back but the members of the pastor arrested the young man on his behalf. When the pastor found out that his members arrested this young man, the pastor went to the sell to have him released. This pastor then preached to his members that this is the true love Jesus spoke about: "do not render evil for evil".

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When you have this universal love in you, you will forgive your love ones that broke your heart and have nothing against them. When you demonstrate this kind of love, the love of God will always shine in your life.


Now, The most important thing of all that is difficult to get is love. As Christians you have to fight it for God has given each and everyone this gift of love. Love is the fulfilment of God's world.

Thank you all for stopping by


Christ is love.. Hallelujah !!

Amen we all need to work to have a strong faith in GOD

i totally agree with you. the most important thing for Christians isn't just prosperity and miracles...

what matters most is how we love others

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