Climbing The Ladder of Success.

in #inspiration6 years ago


Success is everyone's dream. Unfortunately, it is not for everyone. Anyone can dream but it takes something extra to make that dream a reality.

A story is common. Two friends went to a fortune-telle to know what the future holds for them. One was told he would be very rich while the other was told he would be poor and there would be nothing he could do about it.

The supposed lucky guy went home happy and relaxed, riches would come knocking on his door soon. He did nothing but sleep and wake up everyday dreaming of that wonderful day when he would receive wealth.

The supposed unlucky one with sadness in his heart went home and resolved to do his best to defy this verdict. He worked hard at his business and in little time, he struck gold becoming very wealthy while his other friend remained poor.

Years later, these two friends met again. It was surprising to see him who was pronounced poor become the rich one. Inaction is a common killer of success.

When you have a dream, make plans and work to make them reality.

If you long for something so much, you work hard at it, giving it your all and surely you would achieve success.

Success arises from continued persistence in the right direction.

Meeting the right people is also very important . You need good connections to succeed. As an employer, if you don't hire competent staff, you are doomed to fail.

Finding the right people who are not money conscious, dedicated and disciplined is a must for a potentially successful business.Rich people befriend rich people, this is an open secret. Make friends with people of like minds who have realistic visions for the future.

What do you do about failure? Do you just accept it without understanding what had led to it.

A failed project is to be dissected and properly examined for faults so such mistakes would not be repeated again.

Self discipline is a must for a successful person. Bad habits are a no no. Procrastination, laziness, tardiness, and a whole lot of other bad habits should not be allowed to remain.

You should also be able to welcome criticism from people. How else would you know if you are on the right track?

Honest opinions should be welcomed without crucifying the bearer. Many have gone down the path of destruction because they were not able to bear little censure.

The road to success is not an easy path. It takes the strong and steady that can withstand the test of time and emerge victorious at the end.

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