How To Become Successful People in 7 Simple Steps

in #inspiration6 years ago


How To Become Successful People in 7 Simple Steps

You want to know how to be a successful person? Often read a book or words of motivation but still not work? Want practical tips that you can actually apply for success?

If your answer is yes to one or more questions above, you come to the right place. In this post I will describe 7 simple steps that can lead you to success in your life and career.

I'm not lying to you. The seven steps are simple, but not easy. Do not worry or pessimistic first. As long as you really do it, you will be a successful person at a young age or the opposite age. Let's start with some aspects related to success that you should know.

What is Success?

I believe you want to be a successful person. With that success, you can be happy for yourself, your family, your parents, your spouse, or your friends.

However, what is success?

Honestly, many people who call successful people are people who have a lot of wealth. Many people also say that successful people are officials or famous people. They are not wrong. Why? Because they define success based on the indicator.

In my view, the precise definition of success is to achieve what is desired. This wish can be an aspiration, a goal, or a target.

For example, if you aspire to become a doctor, then you go to medical school and graduate to become a doctor, you have become a successful person. Another example, if you have a goal out of a job now and then come into being, then you can be called a successful one. Of course, success is not the end. However, it could also be the beginning to another success.

The Basic Capital of Success

Believe it or not, the basic capital for success there are two hard skills and soft skills (attitude). Hard skills are technical skills that can be obtained by self-study or through education / training. Meanwhile, soft skill is the ability to manage yourself and others.

Want a second example of this capital? OK…

Consider the following example. Driving a car is hard skill, while the way you react when someone crossing in front of your car or being stuck in traffic is soft skill.

Another example, if you want to be a successful blogger, the hard-skills you have to master include writing, email list building, search engine optimization (SEO), product creation, and marketing.

In the meantime, the soft-skill you must have is confident, not afraid to compete, not afraid of failure, optimism, adaptation, integrity, cooperation, and your response to criticism.

Of these two capital, which one plays a major role in one's success? According to Harvard University research, soft skill determines 80% of one's success.

5 Success You Must Struggle

Asep Ridrid Karana, my high school friend who is now a spiritual mind motivation expert, reveals that there are 5 successes to be fought for.

Here's a brief explanation of the five successes.

a. Spiritual Success

This success is related to your afterlife or your adherence to the embraced religion. For example, if you are Muslim, you must perform mandatory worship such as praying 5 times, fasting in Ramadan, and paying zakat.

Mandatory worship is also complemented by circumcision worship such as performing umrah, tahajud prayer, reading Al-Quran, and so forth.

b. Financial Success

Financial success is related to money. Indeed money is not everything, but you need money for various daily needs.

What does financial success look like? Generally a brilliant career, a decent home, a private vehicle, a future savings, or a profitable business.

c. Health Success

What does it mean a lot of wealth or have a high position if you are sickly. It could be your treasure will be used for medical treatment. Therefore, you must have a healthy body.

Efforts can be a routine exercise (such as running 3 times a week), eat healthy food, adequate rest, and positive thoughts.

d. Family Success

Ever seen rich people or celebrities whose homes were a mess? You may not want to be like them. Therefore, you must strive for success in marriage.

The form can be a harmonious household, sholeh children, a couple who are understanding, respect to parents, and get along with you.

e. Social Success

In living this life you can not alone, right? Yes, you need other people, be it friends, coworkers, or neighbors.

Therefore, the social success you must strive for is active in the home environment, working with colleagues, having lots of friends, giving charity to the needy, obeying the rules, and giving orphans a favor.

Stages Being a Successful Person

From the explanation above, you already understand the definition, capital, and type of success. Now it's time you know what needs to be done in order for you to succeed. To become a successful person, do the following 7 steps:

1. Rest assured that you can succeed

Start by convincing yourself that you can succeed. Why? Because if you believe you can succeed, you're halfway through success.

To convince yourself, take or see a mirror. Look at your face carefully for a moment. Then talk to yourself that you can succeed.

Another tip, you can program your subconscious mind. Embed in the subconscious that you can be as successful as or more than others.

2. Set goals

After convincing yourself, now is the time for you to set a goal. These goals may be short-term (eg one year or one month) or long-term (eg 5 or 10 years).

What should be your target? If possible, set a goal for the five successes above. If on the contrary, take one course as a priority, such as financial success.

In order for the goal to be not just fantasy, you must define it by following the SMART criteria that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Do not worry if you do not understand the SMART principle. The example below can help you understand it.

Let's say you are a senior blogger who has SEO skills. You want to write a book about SEO. So, you create the following two goals:

  • Goal 1: Write a book
  • Goal 2: Write the first draft of a 10,000 word SEO book from May 30 - June 8, 2016.

Of those two goals, which ones meet the SMART criteria? Of course the second goal. The reason is:

  • Specific: Writing first draft book on SEO * Measurable: 10,000 cities
  • Achievable: yes, by writing 1,000 words a day
  • Relevance: Relevant to the blogger profession
  • Time-bound: May 30 - June 8, 2016

3. Create an action plan

The SMART goal gives you an idea of ​​what to expect. The picture gets clearer if you make a map (action plan) reaching that goal.

How to create an action plan? Easy. All you need to do is identify and write steps toward that goal.

In order not to forget, put the action plan in a place that you can easily see. For example, you print out an action plan and place it in front of your desk.

Alternatively, you publish the action plan in your Facebook account to create accountability.

4. Act

All goals can be nonsense if you do not act. Therefore, act according to the plan of action you have made.

How do I act? Enter an action plan in your daily to-do list. Place as first priority, defeating your other tasks.

In the example above, your to-do list on May 16, 2016 can be like this:

  • Validating topic ideas (1 hour)
  • Answering visitor's questions (30 minutes)
  • Writing blog posts (2 hours)

In practice, do your priority work first. When done, sketch the task in your to-do list or you can also mark X on the calendar date.

What if lazy came crashing? That's normal.

Not only to you, but lazy ordinary also come to others who are pursuing success.

What's unusual is that you let the laziness stop your step. To overcome the feeling of laziness, start bit by bit.

For example, if you are targeting writing 1,000 words, start by writing just 50 words.

5. Review it

The fifth step is to review (review) all your actions. Why should this be done?

Because by review, you can find out if you are walking on the right track or vice versa.

This review can be done daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. From these options, I recommend you to do a weekly review.

Why? Because it is not troublesome and you can immediately know your achievement.

What to review? Simple. Compare your achievements that week with your action plan.

For example, if a week you have to write 7,000 words, and it turns out you are only able to write 5,000 words, then you must find out why the problem occurred.

Use technique 5 why to find the root of the problem.

6. Follow up

Having known the root of the problem, follow up to eliminate the cause. For example, the root of the problem you can not write on target is because you are sleep deprived.

So, sleep enough. Thus, your body is fresh and you can act more productively.

7. Thankful for success

Once you act hard and may be smart, you will achieve success. Thankful for that success.

You can do it with prostration of gratitude or prayer according to your belief. You can also treat your partner, family, friends, or orphaned meals.

As you can see, how to be successful is simple. Everyone can do it, including you. So, try the seven steps I've described above. I am optimistic you will be a successful person!

Thank you for visiting my blog. Hopefully my blog is useful for all readers.

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