A Daily Dose: Not a broken future!

in #inspiration5 years ago


Dreams, dreams, dreams, how beautiful it is to hear, but what dreaming is for if the person you've promised that dream with left you alone? How can I still believe in that dream if it will not worth anything at all? Apart from reaching that goal, I wished to have you beside me the day it becomes a reality. None of that would make any sense now.

It was supposed to be the two of us. We promised under the night sky, and the stars witnessed everything. It wasn't only the two of us in that place. I can still feel that warmth of that moment. And I can't express how much I wanted to be back at that time.

Although we are uncertain of what tomorrow could be, we made a promise. We've chosen to forget what keeps us from enjoying our precious time together. And that's the best thing I won't regret we did. Words aren't enough to describe the joy in our hearts. It was love.

There were no hints of surprises on our faces but gratitude for meeting each other. It's still clear in my mind how we met the first time like it was something you call destiny. How would two hearts find each other at the right time in this world where hatred exists everywhere?

It sure was magical the first time, and everything else does become blurred. Maybe it was love at first sight that I started to believe what others are saying about love. Why am I saying all these words now? Who would care anyway? No one can and no one will, I'm all alone now.

Am I left alone to say all these words? Whatever is the reason, I sure wouldn't want to be in this situation. I don't want to be here. I want to be with that person. How am I going to move forward now that life took a significant part in my life? Why does it have to be the two of us?

Why is it so unfair? We could've had more time to spend together, but we didn't have a chance to. How I wish I could turn back the time, I would've done the things we haven't and speak all the words I haven't ever said if I could. I regret every chance I missed.

"You've got a broken heart, not a broken life. You've got a broken dream, not a broken future." - Anon

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like everything will be worth nothing anymore? If you did, how did you found a reason to move forward? And if you haven't, how do you think can you move forward in this kind of situation?

© imawreader | #NotABrokenFuture | Image source


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