A Daily Dose: Better not argue!

in #inspiration5 years ago


I always don't want to hear what they have to say. They're just going to make me do things I don't even want to do, tell me what is better and how would it benefit me more.

I'm always silent every time I hear them say, "it's better than that". I never uttered a word when it's the topic like somebody who never learned to speak. Other than being silent, I sometimes smile and let the time pass.

To them, I may be looking like someone who has no reason to uplift my life - one who can't do anything if I'll stay with how I'm used to. Stuck in my dreams, I may also look like someone hopeless.

I don't know why they always tell me to change my choices but I'm sure I wasn't doing wrong. There are times that it's almost irritating to hear them reminding me of what they know best for me.

Although I have my reasons why I started them, they probably have reasons too. I am aware of how they feel for me because they see me stuck thinking of many things all the time. Do I make myself look hopeless?

I would fight for my reasons if I had to but something in me is saying that it will be a waste of time. I have the courage to, but the thought of arguing exhausts me.

It's not my intention to lose in a game where I am the best. I don't even think I am losing the game. I wish I am not too ahead of myself though. I am confident. I still think I do.

"My silence doesn't mean that I quit. It simply means that I don't want to argue with people who just don't want to understand." - Yato

Do you take the initiative to argue and fight for your own reasons? What do you want to say to the people who judge you without them knowing the truth?

© imawreader | #BetterNotArgue | Image source


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