Thursday is Butterfly Day and Insect Day Giveaway- Week 41

in #insectpub5 years ago

Happy New Year and new decade everyone! Welcome to Thursday is Butterfly Day and Insect Day Giveaway- Week 41! Gather around the Insect Pub to see butterflies and other insects from around the world, and to make new friends. Post your butterfly and other insect photos, or art work for a chance to win SBI units. You heard me right. I am going back to giving away SBI. My experiment of giving Steem didn't help with the down votes so I am going back to giving away SBI. A minimum of 2-SBI will be given away; 1-for photos and 1-for art work. If no art work is submitted, then 2-SBI will be given away for photos. Entries will not be judged and winners are chosen at random. You have 6 days for entries in this post and then a new one will begin. Thanks so much for your support and amazing entries last year and I am looking forward to 2020. The winners for Week 40 of 1-Steem each are: @ewkaw, @paradigma42, @rem-steem and @elhoogesteger. Congratulations!

Here are the rules for the Giveaway.

1-One submission per person per week.
2-All photos and art work must be your own work. Photos and art work from the internet will not be accepted.
3-Make your own butterfly or insect post and use one of these tags: #butterflyday or #insectpub.
4-Important! to be entered in the giveaway, you must put the link to your post in the comments below.
5-Upvotes to this post are not necessary but are greatly appreciated, and might allow me to give away more prizes

I am looking forward to seeing your entries!

Here are my photos for today of Katydids, dead and alive.

I found this one laying in the grass. Look at how well it blends in. Trying to figure out what species they are can drive you crazy because there are so many of them. This dead Katydid was clearly killed because you can see puncture wounds, but it would have died anyway because I found it in late October. I moved it to the porch to get better photos.

This is the Greater Angle-Wing Katydid (Microcentrum rhombifolium). It is a leaf mimic katydid. There are approximately 6,400 species worldwide with approximately 255 species here in North America. Katydids are related to grasshoppers and crickets, but more closely related to crickets.

I left it on the porch that night and it was gone by morning, so it was good to know that something had a nice meal. I hope it was a meal for a praying mantis that had been hanging around or a bird, and not a rodent. Bats, spiders and tree frogs eat them too.

Katydids range from being 1/2 inch to 4 inches long, depending on the species. They have very long, thin antennae that are 2-3 times the length of their body. They were named for the song they sing at night which sounds like they are saying, "Katy did, Katy didn't." I love to listen to them during the summer nights.

Some katydids are attracted to light and that is probably why I found this one on my back porch one night. Most katydids are nocturnal. They spend most of their time on branches of trees and bushes but you can also find a few feeding on the leaves and flowers in your potted plants and gardens. I am not sure but I think this might be the Fork-tailed Bush Katydid.

Yay! I captured its face.

Thanks for stopping by!

All photos are my own.

Information Source:,

Are you looking for another caring community where your creativity and imagination can run wild? A place where you have the opportunity to win prizes for your participation? Are you looking for support or for a place that you would like to support? Then head on over to the Freewrite House and have some fun.



Happy New Year everyone !!
Congratulation to the winners this week. Also 5 Steem added to @whatisnew 's list. =)
2020-01-03 14_59_59-Chromium - @chromiumone _ SteemPeak.png

Thanks so much @chromiumone! : ) I sure do appreciate your generosity.
I thought you weren't going to do this after December?
How are you feeling?

Your welcome @whatisnew.
I was ending it at New Year so this was the last one..... maybe lol
I'm feeling great, just need to get out and capture some images O.o. Been cold and wet most of Dec. but the weather is getting a little warmer. I can take the rain but the cold shuts me down these days. Should be kicking out posts again in the next day or so.

I am very happy that you are doing so good! : ) I can't function in the cold, rain, snow or cold wind either. I hibernate in the winter. LOL! I will be looking for your posts. : )

deranged You just received DERANGED @chromiumone Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Thank you very much for your generous gift, it is greatly appreciated!! :)

Incredible the morphology of these crickets, we can hardly locate it if it is between bushes, its leaf aspect allows it to camouflage without problems. Good find @whatisnew.

Congratulations to the winners of the draw. Successes in this new week to the participants.

Thanks @belkisa758! Nature's camouflage is amazing. Thanks for your entry. : )

At night the leafy ones make loud clicking noises. I only found this out after catching one as a pet for a while.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is good to know, thanks for the info. It doesn't surprise me that you kept one as a pet. I will stay tuned to see what else you have had as pets. LOL!

It was water logged in a storm so it was easy to catch. I put it on one of my houseplants then it started its loud ticking noise. In the summer at night i hear lots of that ticking everywhere up in the trees, i used to think they were tree frogs making that noise.

You save lives too? LOL! That is a good thing. I never hear ticking noises in the summer but if I ever do, I will know it came from a katydid...all thanks to you. : )

Here's a good example

HaHa! The bug that has been bugging everyone. I thought it sounded nice at first but I can see how it can get on your nerves after a while. Thanks so much for sending this to me. : )

I liked pictures of the live one much better :) although I learned a great deal about katydids from reading about the dead one.
I love the way you capture the faces of these little creatures. Gives them personalities.
Another brilliant post that deserves a lot of attention.

I am happy to know that I taught you something. I love that!
You are so right about their faces giving them personalities. I love that too!
Your support and amazing comments...I love that the best!
Thanks so much AG! : )

Happy New Year to you and family hope you all had a good one. I need to find myself some new butterflies and insects now that i can back to normal after all the festivals seasons so hopefully will be able to post something soon my friend 👍

Same to you @hangin! I know the feeling. I just got back to my normal routine as well. Looking forward to seeing what you find. : )

Thank you @whatisnew i am on the look out to find some thing for you...hehe 🙂

Hi @slwzl Happy New Year to you! Thanks for your entry. : )

Feliz año 2020 para todos.
Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores!!!.

Le digo que no localizaba, en la primera foto, a que insecto se refería. Estuve mirando y no logré ver nada. Quizás era algo demasiado pequeño para mi presbicia. Jajajajaja cuando pasé a la segunda imagen, me di cuenta que no es presbicia, es ceguera lo que tengo. Jejejeje.

Happy 2020 year for everyone.
Congratulations to all the winners !!!

I tell him that he did not locate, in the first photo, what insect he was referring to. I was watching and I couldn't see anything. Maybe it was something too small for my presbyopia. Hahahahaha when I went to the second image, I realized that it is not presbyopia, it is blindness what I have. Hehehehe.

HaHa! You are so funny cheerleader! : )

gracias, es mejor hacer reír que llorar.

Thank you, it is better to laugh than to cry.

deranged You just received DERANGED @whatisnew Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hi Anne! Thanks for your entry. : )

Thank You @whatisnew

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