Wooly Bear Caterpillar: The Weather Forecaster

in #insectpub5 years ago (edited)

#ButterflyDay and Insect Day Giveaway hosted by @whatisnew. Check Here for more info.

I’ve read the wider the woolly bear caterpillar’s band, the milder the upcoming winter.

According to folklore, if the caterpillar’s orange band is narrow, it will be a snowy winter. A fuzzier-than-normal woolly bear caterpillar-that winter will be very cold.

I saw this little weather forecaster on an euonymus bush near the back deck.


This caterpillar doesn’t really have a wide band.. another winter with lots of snow? I hope woolly bear fattens up. 😊

Eventually the orange caterpillar will turn into the Isabella tiger moth. You can recognize these moths by their yellowy-orange colored wings, black legs, and small black spots on wings and breast.





Amazing what mother nature can teach us Lady Jo.
A lovely shot of the caterpillar weatherman!
I will have a look at the link thank you.

Thanks Sir Stephen! #insectpub has some interesting ..well..insects 😂

Cool macro shot:) I hope the little weather forecaster gets fatter:)

Thanks @georgeboya! I hope so as I don’t want another winter like the last one-the snow started early and stayed late.

Terrific photo Jo!! I love seeing Woolly Caterpillars but I can never remember how the forecast goes..lol. Our winters are so weird lately that I bet even our Woolly Caterpillars are confused.😀

Thanks Dee! 💕 I guess the fatter they are the better for a mild winter weather. 😂

You are welcome Jo!! I don't see solid colors pillars very often. I see mostly ones with a dark band. 😀 🙂

Gorgeous photo of that woolly bear Jo! A few days ago I saw a black one that looked like it recently hatched. It is too early in the year to be seeing these. I hate that 4 letter word s**w. Thanks for using #butterflyday and #insectpub tags Jo! : )

Thanks @whatisnew! I don’t like that 4 letter ‘ s**w ‘ word either. 😂

Is it a weather indicator? How cute...
Very good photo!

Thanks @bluemoon! Yes, according to folklore, the bigger the width of Woolly Bear Caterpillar the better the coming winter.

Then you have to check this in winter...

Weather barometer in the garden, what a lovely find @redheadpei folk lore sometimes does carry a message, hope you get the weather you hoping for in winter.

Thanks Joan. I haven’t seen many caterpillars around and was pleased to see Woolly Bear. 😊

Very gorgeous colour Redheadpei.

Thanks Angie!

Special composition, I like it!

Thanks @nilom. I’m happy you like it. 😊

What a lovely introduction to a fascinating little creature @redheadpei I have never heard of the Wooly Bear Caterpillar How clever to have the ability to help forecast the weather. Very handy indeed.

This is an exquisite macro shot Jo with great colour and detail.

I haven't seen any wooly bears yet. I want to see them with no black bands this year. We deserve a short mild winter Mr. Wooly.

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