The World Wi-Fi Triad - Advertisers

in #innovation7 years ago

If you want your business to succeed you’re going to have to advertise, there just isn’t any way around it. The thing is, you can’t just throw money at the problem, there are so many different way and vectors to advertise nowadays that if you aren’t careful you’ll spend a year’s budget in a day and have nigh a blip in your traffic (be it foot or click).

Far too many of these vectors are specialized for certain kinds of products or businesses and are completely useless for others. If you’re a donut store but you spend all your money on Google Adwords or a videogame designer that spends all his money on poster ads in train stations, then you’re probably going to have a bit of a problem

You’ve got a target on your back

Advertising these days is all about understanding your customer base and then figuring out how to target them in the most accurate possible way.

This requires a few things: it requires understanding the profile of your ideal or average customer and breaking it down into units that can be used either to select advertising vectors or to help advertising vectors target your customers within their user base. The second thing it involves is an application is that is effective enough to drive traffic without costing more than the money that the attracted customer spends.

Sounds easy, right?

Not exactly.

Playing with the big boys

Major companies that have spent a lot of money building up customer bases that can be used by advertisers are going to charge a lot for access. And even then the results aren’t guaranteed.

This creates a massive barrier to entry for smaller companies (and even medium sized companies that work within certain markets dominated by larger players). Smaller companies have less money to spend on these target ads and generally end up having to spend more per conversion. This targeting cost is only going to become greater as the criteria become more specific.

You can see how this might be a especially harmful for local businesses that need to target a very specific demographic if they want their online advertising to be successful. Even for broad interest stores, the cost of geo-located advertising can just be too high for it to be worth it in the long run. And the cost makes sense. After all Twitter, Facebook, and Google are shifting through the entirety of their traffic just to find the people who have IP address originating for the targeted areas.

World Wi-Fi and the solution

World Wi-Fi is a triad solution. It provides free wi-fi to end users but also pays the router owner for letting the end user use the service. These are the first two parts of the triad and the benefit to both is relatively clear. But it is the third part of the triad that is truly innovative.

The router owner is paid for advertising provided to the end user (who is receives the free wifi access in exchange for seeing the ads).

This advertising vector is perfect for the kind of businesses described above, small businesses and geographically sensitive businesses can use World Wi-Fi to perfectly target a broad demographic within an extremely specific geographic area (and we’re talking within 50 meters specific).

This provides business with a whole new level of geographic specificity but without the ridiculous cost that would be entailed if they were hunting these users down through a larger service.

This is the true strength of World Wi-Fi: it provides a triad of services. The end user gets free wi-fi where he might have otherwise had to pay a ridiculous price. The router owner get paid for making his wifi available to all (and thus doing the world a great service at the same time). And the advertiser gets to target a specific geographic demography without having to pay through the nose.



White Paper:
Our Team:

World Wi-Fi integrates private routers into a single network and provides free Internet all over the World!
The project will allow router owners to receive fees
from advertising by connecting advertisers with target audiencies.


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