Cyber Security - Innovation!

in #innovation7 years ago


Cyber security refers to a range of concepts including the practice protecting an organization's information, networks, computer, and resources against attacks from security and computer attacks (Smart, Smart and profile, 2018). Today the internet plays a major role in peoples lives; from communicating through instant messages and emails to banking, travelling, studying and shopping, internet has touched every aspect of life. Since the emergence of the digital age, the reliance on the modern technology has become greater which comes to a point where every information is stored on some sort of information system. As the number of data networks, digital applications, as well as internet and mobile users are growing inevitably, so do the chances of cyber exploitation and cyber-crimes. Computers that doesn’t have modern security controls are vulnerable of malware infection and thus any type of information can be accessed in moments. There are numerous infected web pages and malicious websites can be seen every day that infects the computer and allows hackers to gain illegal access to computer systems and so, this is why having cyber security breakthroughs is important. A decent cyber security system can bring many advantages such as helping to prevent spyware, adware, ransomware, and also protect personal info and business. However, it could also be a victim of its success by being very pricy, slower information systems than before and needs constant software update.

Many say an automated cyber security system is the future. I think if done correctly, this certainly will make cyber security much more efficient. According Information Age 2018, the concept of automated cyber security is the system will use more artificial intelligence (AI), big data analysis and other machines to detect threats to expose them and correlate the full operation of new cyber-attack campaigns. For instance, let’s say a link infected with malware has been sent by email. The security system will identify this, then block the attack and report it. I think this way of protecting big data is worthy of replacing the old school way because using an anti-malware software isn’t good enough to keep sensitive data safe. On the other hand, it is inefficient for humans to deal with incoming threats and quickly make decisions to manually address cyber-attacks. This is the reason why automation in cyber security is a huge necessity. Another factor that might have a big impact on cyber-security is the blockchain. The blockchain offers safer transactions, protection against certain hacking attacks, and even, to a certain extent, obviates the need for passwords. (Panda Security Mediacenter, 2018). It is a distributed information system made up of block strings and designed to avoid any modification once the information is uploaded. When it comes to security, the blockchain is the most ideal security tool. Not only that, this system is also made for storing or confirming data and data mining. What really surprises me is the fact that people no longer need to use passwords. I used to think that having a strong password is the only way to prevent cyber attackers. Relating to this, 2018 says:
"Your passwords are the most common way to prove your identity when using websites, email accounts and your computer itself (via User Accounts). The use of strong passwords is therefore essential in order to protect your security and identity. The best security in the world is useless if a malicious person has a legitimate user name and password"

However, with REMME’s blockchain technology, businesses can authenticate users and devices without the need of having a password. Alex Momot, founder and CEO of REMME believes that the tradition systems consist of human authentication and it is the biggest weakness in security. As a result, REMME blockchain is born to eliminate all the human facter from the authentication process, therefore making it almost impossible to be in the crosshairs of cyber attackers. Momot strongly stated that regardless of how much cash an organization spends on security, every one of these endeavors are useless, if clients and workers utilize passwords that are easy to crack or steal. Furthermore, “Ukroboronprom, Ukraine’s umbrella association for the defense industry, has established a strategic partnership with REMME to enable secure, password-less access to its employees.” (, 2018). This demonstrates the level of assume that organizations are putting into blockchain-based security. To reinforce its ability, REMME is additionally wanting to report its initial coin offering (ICO) by October this year. Personally, my thoughts are the system is the result of years and years of innovation in the fields of cryptography and cybersecurity so as a result, it has a lot of potential to be the next factor that brings cybersecurity to another level. In reality, I like to see things from both sides. Although innovations in cybersecurity technologies are beneficial in many ways, they also have major setbacks.

First we begin by discussing what advantages cybersecurity has brought to us as individuals and organizations. From the business perspective, there are various ways which cybersecurity could protect the business. The biggest advantage is that advances in IT security solutions can give a complete computerized assurance to the business. Employees can now roam on the web when needed without worrying about potential dangers. Also, cybersecurity stops websites from shutting down. This is significant because most businesses nowadays operate on their own websites. If the system becomes infected, there is a real chance that the site will be forces to close down. This means a lot of cash will be lost from missed transactions, not only that, the trust of customers will be tossed down the trash. There are many cases of hackers initiated devastating hacks on enterprises. An example is when hackers in China attempted to access more than 20 million accounts on Alibaba's Taobao shopping site. Reportedly a database of 99 million usernames and passwords from a number of websites were obtained and later on sold to be used for fraud (the Guardian, 2018). Alibaba eventually found out and reported to the police and the hackers were later caught. Imagine what more damage they could have done without cybersecurity systems?

Now I want to discuss potential downsides of the innovations in cybersecurity that were mentioned earlier. The word “automation” not only works well with security systems but also in business. It just makes tasks much more efficient. However, there are major risks associated with AI-based automated security. For instance, potential job loss. When everything is automated, the need for humans to be on the job is no longer there. Automation is gradually evolving but it is also slowly taking people’s jobs which will lead to massive unemployment in the IT department. Another problem is that should people completely rely on a purely automated system? Not to mention it’s cyber security automation. Let’s say if the government stores all their valuable data on an online information system that is protected by an automated security system. What if one day there was a technical malfunction? All of the sensitive information will be gone in a blink of an eye. Today, the blockchain technology is so hyped up because everyone is going crazy about bitcoin mining without worrying about its disadvantages. How the blockchain was developed and how the whole thing works is complex enough. It is like a business environment with extremely strict rules. I find the concept behind the blockchain technology is way too difficult to understand and it consumes too much energy; “The Bitcoin blockchain network’s miners are attempting 450 thousand trillion solutions per second in efforts to validate transactions, using substantial amounts of computer power.” Says Blockchain Technology, 2018.

Finally, Digital security alludes to a scope of ideas including the work on ensuring an association's data, systems, PC, and assets against assaults from security and PC assaults. Today the web assumes a noteworthy part in people groups lives; from conveying through texts and messages to saving money, voyaging, considering and shopping, web has touched each part of life. Since the rise of the advanced age, the dependence on the cutting edge innovation has turned out to be more prominent which goes to a point where each data is put away on a type of data framework. As the quantity of information systems, advanced applications, and additionally web and versatile clients are developing definitely, so do the odds of digital misuse and digital violations. PCs that doesn't have present day security controls are defenseless of malware disease and subsequently any sort of data can be gotten to in minutes. There are various contaminated pages and noxious sites can be seen each day that taints the PC and enables programmers to increase unlawful access to PC frameworks thus this is the reason having digital security achievements is essential. A fair digital security framework can bring numerous focal points, for example, anticipating spyware, adware, ransomware, and furthermore ensure individual data and business. In any case, it could likewise be a casualty of its prosperity by being extremely pricy, slower data frameworks than previously and needs consistent programming refresh.

Tell me if you have more ideas,
By: @nguyentrung


Very informative tho. :)

Nice information about blockchain

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