
Well. Now we both know.

Don't say you made it up ...


It was sent to me by the voluptuous Goddess of quirky visions and inner imagery... as always.

sent to me_400.jpg

Ah, OK, that's fine then. Silly me thinking it wasn't realistic.

I love freckles.

BTW I still have two invitations left for the Initiative Q thing, invitation link is here:

Should you be interested. No pressure. Do it now.

I did it. I love freckles too.

Validated. Your real name is safe with me, BTW. I doubt I could pronounce it properly anyway 8-).

I surrender the secretes of secret name in our custody without regrets. Among the dark web crowd your name seem to be considered of the most trustworthy and honourable calibre - and you also seem to be illiterate when it comes to reading the æ-ø-å of the Northern Isles. All good.

Thank you. BTW I can read the esoteric Viking glyphs well, and even pronounce them the Swedish way, but I doubt I could accurately reproduce the Danish speech impediments pronunciation. There's the rub.

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