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RE: What Happens When No One Cares About Wrong-Doings in a Community? Nothing! Exactly!

in #injustice7 years ago

What censorship? I can read your post.

You are not censored. You are sidelined for spamming the network. A choice you made yourself.


my posts and replys don't show up in any feeds.
You are full of shit.
Should I post a screenshot of your reply feed to show my comment didn't show up in your feed?
Stop with the lies. Word is spreading and the truth of steemit is coming out.
My post dont show up in the new feed when created, they don't show up under any of the tags. they don't show up in my followers feeds. my comments don't show up in peoples reply feeds. That is censorship.

would you look at that my replys don't show up in your reply feed. not censorship according to you though. LOL stop with the stupid already.

And how did that situation come about? It was a situation of your own making. You spammed everybody and got downvoted. Now you want to play the victim card, which is the exact same behaviour you describe concerning those you oppose with philosophy.

the spam came after the censorship.
Censorship is censorship. the reason does not matter.
I am not playing the victim im pointing out the facts. you are the ones crying foul and playing victim.
Stop trying to distort the time line and context of stuff. telling your lies no matter how many times does not make them true.
Funny how anytime I point out when someone else is in the wrong the group of cry bullys come out trying to say im playing the victim. I have been censored, that's not playing anything.

Also this is all a dodge from the points u made just earlier about how im not censored.

Pathetic at best.

Hi, if you write a post with something useful and with payout declined I'd like to upvote it to bring your rep to positive.

//Edit: I changed my mind. I saw "You are full of shit" in your reply which IMHO is offensive. You deserve a negative rep score so other people won't be annoyed.

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