The War of Words : The Alt-Right

in #infowars7 years ago

The War on Information has always been a thing. Already in ancient times you will see slander towards persons and groups of people used as a weapon. Even historic sources can be old propaganda mistaken for facts.

I have come across this most recently researching pre-Christian German tribes where I originally believed myself that while the Norse were Free People, they lived in a brutal society were the rule of the strongest would be untouchable. This is actually ancient Propaganda spread by the (Christian) Roman Empire. The Germans had a democracy quite similar to the Greek Democracy and they had civil laws (general rules) that could be considered quite modern: Marriage with pre-settled ownership of the household in case of divorce and the rule that no man can be told how to live inside his own home. (source)

The Nazis notoriously called the smashing of Jewish Shop windows the "Reichskristallnacht" which translates to "Empire Crystal Night", but we don't even have to look that far. Let's call an Invasion a "Liberation" and every democratic representative we do not like a "Dictator". Let's call the party that opposes most actual liberal people the Liberal Party (DNC). You have now entered

The War of Words

It is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to manipulate people: You use bloomy words to describe your own actions or even just name it inaccurately to disguise it's true intention. Many forms of government tried to claim the word "Democracy" and I would say most countries, including my own fail to let their people rule.

I like to call things shilled, meaning there is some level of infiltration by the people who actually control the world involved. I don't think I need to explain this further to the right wingers reading this, to them the whole of The Left is just an evil authoritarian conspiracy. But even on the right the whole racism aspect likes to get artificially blown up and while I thought that people on the right found a way to make it about culture and habits instead of race, we immediately made a 180° when the whole Richard Spencer thing blew up.


Originally I viewed the term "Alt Right" as something to classify the modern anti-left movement, that is not as conservative and tried to be very rational instead of emotional about politics. Chris Ray Gun, Shoe on Head, Sargon of Akkad, Blair White, Some Black Guy are people that you might have sorted left some decades ago (many of them did themself) but are so fed up with the mainstream left that they won't hold a candle for them any more. However they are not really traditional right wingers hence the term Alternative Right - that was my early interpretation.

Then the media happened and all of the sudden the (shill) Ben Spencer had posts on his website declaring his classic racist Nazi gang The Alt Right. Why would we need a new term for Neo Nazis? But the media told us that "Alt Right" now means Neo Nazi because Ben Spencer said so and boy, did we listen to them."Do you even know what Alt Right means!?" with links to Ben Spencer have been all over Youtube.

We need to take control over our language again and I hope I at least made you aware of the problem even though I offered no solution for now.


What a joke. Outrageous labels like that are digging them into a deeper irrelevant hole. Here's a hint, turn the earthmover ignition key off, and stop digging. I was going to write a book on these topics but luckily I came across this platform, and could provide the content for free, and not have to publish it all at once, kind of like a newspaper article that is put out fairly regularly. The intention was to synthesize the content for everyone, from the person who has enough things going on their life and can't spend all waking hours following all subjects that make these writings to the most heavy, and ruthless in depth consumers of this information content apparently like you. Thanks again, as you know I gladly welcome all and any comments that you can bring to the content. Thanks again for the post, have a great 2018!

I do think labels are important to some degree. Everybody wants to be a part of something and have some sort of greater good he is fighting/working for.

For me ''Alternative'' simply means that it doesn't fit to ''left-right''. Left-right is outdatet.

true the left-right dualism seems like a conflict of a past generation, at least to some degree.

It is if you think about Italian-Fascism for example that is consideret to be ''Rightis'' but how it unifies all classes and everything under a state. Then there is also Nazism wich is ''National-Socialism'' that is very hard to put on the left-right since being socialistic and nationalistic, thus some times called ''Third Alternative''.

There is also a huge difference in what people believe to be the essence of right wing. In America the right is mostly a counter-movement to the authoritarian left, the left in Europe often considers itself to be counter movement to the right and by that they are mostly referring to the Nazi and Franco Regime.

There is actually even a difference in German definitions between national socialism and nationalsocialism. The first being the legit socialist movement, that advocated state-wide socialism instead of global socialism, the latter being the warped thing Hitler and Co did.

It is weird that a failed socialist movement is made to be the embodiment of what is far-right.

You are right! I have understood that in States liberal is considered sometimes to be leftism that is trieing to ban right to bear arms. Here in finland liberal would rather just refer to more open-markets that are considered to be just for good of rich-elite by mass-media.

I was always skeptical of the origins of the term "Alt-Right".
Seems to me like it was manufactured and applied to describe pretty much "Anyone I don't agree with and will eventually become a Nazi".
What's wrong with calling this vast and disparate group of non-leftist communist haters simply traditionalists, conservatives or patriots?

When language becomes dumbed-down or even when circumspect new words appear out of seemingly nowhere, you have to stop, stand up and regain control of your language.

The same happens within the world of medicine and psychiatry. At times it's like new words and medical terminology is made for diseases yet to be discovered.

When language becomes dumbed-down or even when circumspect new words appear out of seemingly nowhere, you have to stop, stand up and regain control of your language.


The same happens within the world of medicine and psychiatry. At times it's like new words and medical terminology is made for diseases yet to be discovered.

The medical industry has control about how we perceive health. I always find it weird that you don't learn more about fighting common diseases and injuries in school. Within 12 years you will have watched spider, frogs and rhinos mate, but you won't know what to do when your friend breaks a leg and got a bone sticking out.

Actually, reality is somewhere in-between: as far as I could see, for isntance, Sargon of Akkad is blatantly and dedicated to be anti-left. Heck, some are even aiming to, to an extent, "destroy" the sort of left they consider bad.

For me, this positions them far from the middle ground or even the moderate level. Yet, they aren't necessarily fascists, let alone Nazis - but I can argue they are approaching that.

For me, the alt-right is anything but rational. It might have started that way but is completely twisted now.

I may be biased though.

even Sargon mentioned at some point that he considered himself on the left a few years ago.

It hink they are more rational at least on average. Laura Southern admitted that she is not against identity politics, but in favor of different identity politics, which is hard grasp on an intellectual basis and takes balls to admit.

We were all left-wing at some point in our earlier years. Then we grew up and realised the nuances behind political beliefs and actually working to earn our place in the world.

Nothing is free and welfare is a prison in itself. This is why I will never sympathise with the sudden plight of current social studies university graduates that are so willing to drive the wedge between the working class and their elitist academia influenced cultural marxism.

I always considered myself to be on the liberal (libertarian) left. I think it is good to have public owned infrastructure, but I think it should be voluntaristic and decentralized. I also don't think people should beg for money so I dislike welfare and charity but I am in favor of an UBI.

Right on. It's as though if it were not created the official leftist political headquarters it does not exist. If it goes against their beliefs enough it will get their attention and they will hammer it and never stop until it is destroyed. There is no logic here in these influences, just outright hatred bitterness that they are not in full control of everything.

Sorry to say but that is quite of a stretch.

Welfare needs to exist on a certain level. It's just the matter of the amount of money, and the strict filtering of who can get it.

In other words: I'm not really supporting to let people starve to death - e.g. even in case of addicts, I prefer medical treatment, rather than letting them die or something like that.

I don't think "no welfare" on its own is a morally right approach.

I agree with you. But would you say that welfare isn't a right, but a privilege?

While I don't like the word, it's most likely, appropriate for my opinion.

On the scope of the whole society, it should be noted that certain people are unable to handle or use welfare properly. I guess this is your reason to not support it, and I agree on it.

Yet, from time to time, I read about people who are clearly genuine or even smart enough to understand, what it's for.

Welfare should be their privilege, if it's possible to implement in practice. I'm not sure about that, but I can't find out a better solution at the moment.

Parasites are wrong. But so is starving.

Especially when there is many multiples more food to feed everyone in the world than there are people.

Happy New year !

Oh, sorry then, he seemed to be too one-sided for me so I refused to research further beyondd a certain point.

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